What’s Happening in HS Advisory:

by Andy Vaughan

We hope that your High School child has come home after the first week of school sharing some of the exciting changes within the High School this year, markedly the addition of a new Advisory Program. This will be one of key areas of focus for this year and a constant theme for our HS PTA meetings.

We will be sending updates throughout the year from our Grade Level Leaders explaining more about this program and will be explaining more about the changes that have taken place already in the upcoming PTA meeting on Thursday 1 September, we hope you can join us to learn more about this exciting new initiative.

This is the first update and aims to give you an idea of what each grade level is covering as we begin the school year:

Grade 9

In Grade 9 advisory the focus is on getting involved in High School and enjoying learning in the High School environment. Over the next few weeks students will be getting to know each other and working on ways to form a supportive community. We will also take on a 30-day challenge – where students will be asked to try something new for 30 days. This will be a prelude to more detailed goal-setting as the year goes on. Please contact Eleanor Brock (eleanorb@isb.ac.th) if you have specific questions about Grade 9 Advisory.

Grade 10

In grade 10 advisory, our focus is on creating habits of mind and health. Students have been challenged with a 30-day challenge – with a focus that anyone can can commit to something for 30-days to better their lives. Ideally, the 30-day challenge allows students to set smaller chunked goals instead of massive goals that can be considered overwhelming. Students are getting support from their peers and advisor to help them along their journey. Throughout the challenge, students are continually reflecting on commitment, learning opportunities and failures. Our take home message during this unit is about the learning opportunities and valuable lessons failure holds. The following quote best resonates our main message “Failure, as much as it hurts and disappoints, is an important part of life.” Please feel free to contact Peter Assimakopoulos via email at petera@isb.ac.th.

Grade 11

As students assume their places as ‘upperclassmen’ in grade 11 in the High School, the nature, variety and extent of demands made on them so often increases.  It is therefore the goal of advisory in Grade 11 to support students in effectively meeting personal, school, social and family demands and expectations . During the first quarter each student will reflect on which of his or her responsibilities require mindful balance to ensure effectiveness, health and happiness. Goals will be set accordingly.  The role of developing clear open channels of communication with family, friends and teachers will then be addressed as a crucial in element in achieving balance. Please feel free to contact Ginny Voigt with any matters concerning advisory via mail at ginnyv@isb.ac.th.


Grade 12
The G12 advisory program is centred on getting ready for life after High School. Our focus in August has been to make a strong start to the year, forging relationships with peers in advisory and reflecting on last year’s successes and areas of growth. In the next two weeks, G12 students will be setting goals for the rest of the year, making sure they strike a balance between academic life, personal well-being, and caring for others. In September, the focus will be on communication, where students will learn vital skills such as “saying no”, living with a roommate or dealing with conflict. Please contact Nancy Le Nezet (nancyl@isb.ac.th) if you have questions or suggestions about the G12 advisory program.

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