Placements for Next Year Still Pending

by Dennis Harter

With the school-year winding down, we are finishing up work on our Master Schedule for next school year. Part of this process is to ensure that we are placing students into the appropriate math, language, and music courses.

As part of that process, we enter names and generic placements to get names and courses into the system. It has come to my attention that some parents have seen placements for their child through PowerSchool. We have not completed the placement process yet for all classes. As such, there is no likelihood of accuracy with whatever parents might have seen. We apologize if there has been any confusion caused. We were unaware that this information was visible and so we used placeholders as part of our process.

We are completing the process now as teachers finish end of year assessments and other scheduling procedures. In the meantime, please disregard any inaccurate information you may have seen. The middle school will communicate with you when accurate scheduling information has been input.

Thank you for your understanding.


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