Helping us shape the future

by Dennis Harter

At ISB, we care passionately about students and learning. As part of that care, we are always trying to get better. In planning for the future, our middle school is starting a process of Appreciative Inquiry, where we identify what we we are doing well and love about our school, before we look at shifts that are happening that would shape where we should and could be going.

APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY (AI) — To appreciate means to value—to understand those things of value worth valuing.  To inquire means to study, to ask questions, to search. AI is, therefore, a collaborative search to identify and understand the organization’s strengths, its potentials, the greatest opportunities, and people’s hopes for the future. (Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University,


Appreciative Inquiry Cycle

The faculty has begun this process and we also want to know what parents love about ISB Middle School. We appreciate your contributions to this appreciative inquiry process.

Please visit the linked form and complete the sentence, “I love ISB Middle School because … ” with as many statements as you can share.

Thank you in advance for being part of the Discovery stage of our Appreciative Inquiry process.

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