
by Graeme SCOTT

This year we will not be sending paper copies of MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) and ISA (International Schools Assessment) assessments.  Instead, both assessments will be uploaded to Powerschool and will be available from Monday 23rd May.  To access these assessments, go to and log in with your username and password.  To open the document use the password in red on the screen once you login.  If you experience difficulty with logging in, please contact our Ed Tech department at  or

Please remember that we use many different types of assessment to measure student progress.  Most assessments of student learning are done by their teacher in a ‘normal’ classroom setting.

MAP and ISA are two popular and well-researched external assessments but they are broad in nature (as they are designed not for specific schools, but for huge numbers of students across the globe), they only assess some elements of what students learn here.  They are also administered in different conditions to those the students normally learn in. They represent one point of data in a much bigger discussion about student learning and progress.  Only students in grades 3-8 take the MAP assessment and those in grades 3, 5, 7 and 10 take the ISA assessment.



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