PTA Announcements about AGM and proposed By-Law changes

From Charlotte Hallengren, PTA President –

The ISB PTA will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday, May 17th at 6:00pm in the Cultural Center Theatre.  This AGM is held just prior to the ISB Board of Trustees AGM.  All members of the ISB Community are strongly encouraged to attend both AGM’s.

In addition to electing a new PTA Executive Board, the PTA is proposing a small change to its By-Laws regarding the responsibilities of the First Vice President and Second Vice President.  These By Law changes will be voted on at the AGM.  The specific proposed amendments are highlighted in bold.

The First Vice-President shall:

A. Assume duties of the President during his/her absence.
B. Assist the President as required and work with the President to stay current and active on school issues with which the President is concerned.
C. Be the PTA representative on ISB committees as necessary, such as Food, Security, and Transportation and on ISB Volunteer Sign-up Days.
D. Represent the PTA to school leadership in matters involving Safety.
E. Liaise and support the Community Representatives and report to the PTA Executive Board on their activities as appropriate.
F. Chair the PTA Nominating Committee.
G. In the event of a vacancy in the Presidency, call a special meeting 
of the remaining Executive Board officers to fill the presidency by appointment approved by a majority of all Executive Board members.
H. If requested, run the International School Bangkok Board of Trustees elections. 
I. Keep the First Vice-President’s notebook, files, and job description current.
J. Present a monthly report at the PTA Governing Board Meetings.
K. Prepare an annual budget for his/her area of responsibility by 
September for approval by the Executive Board.
L. Prepare an annual report to be included in the PTA Combined 
Annual Report.


The Second Vice-President shall:

A. Assume duties of the First Vice-President during his/her absence.
B. Oversee the fund-raising events for the PTA, including but not limited to IFF, Special Events, Adult Education, and concession 
C. Appoint Coordinators as necessary to fulfill duties of the fund- 
raising events. Each appointed Coordinator will follow these guidelines:

  1. Organize the event.
  2. Work with the Second Vice-president and Treasurer.
  3. Maintain an organized notebook, which will include a closing report and job description.

In the event that a Coordinator is not found to fill a position, the Second Vice-president is not obligated to chair that position.

D. Work with the PTA Treasurer and follow PTA Bylaws regarding financial matters.
E. Maintain all concession equipment in good working order.
F. Keep the Second Vice-President’s notebook, files, and job 
description current.
G. Present a monthly report at the PTA Board Meetings on behalf of 
International Family Fair (IFF), Special Events and Adult 
Education Coordinators.
H. Prepare an annual budget for his/her area of responsibility by 
September for approval by the Executive Board.
I. Prepare an annual report to be included in the PTA Combined 
Annual Report.
Given the extensive nature of this position, the Second Vice-President may be shared by two board members, each of whom must be elected. The position will receive one vote in all Executive Board votes.

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