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MS eNews – Friday, May 13th, 2016

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Principal’s Forum Further Topics

by Dennis Harter

A few weeks ago, we hosted a Principal’s Forum. In a previous eNews, I shared the discussion points and answers from our meeting. In this post, I will share answers to the submitted questions that were not covered on the day. Typically, the reason for this is that the questions had more direct answers that didn’t require much discussion and allowed for written responses.

Need for more Parent Sessions

Some questions centered around hoping for further communication between ISB and parents about our academic program, teacher expectations, or what parents can do at home to support their children. The best response for this is: “we agree!”

As part of our first year here, Cindy, Tico and I have been learning about the school, moving from one item to the next, and working hard to make learning and care the best it can be at ISB. This has focused our attention and quite honestly, I hadn’t avoided more parent sessions as much as not remembered to have them! It is absolutely a key piece to what we believe would make this the place we want it to be … we just didn’t get around to them this year.

To remedy this for next year, we have calendared informal parent coffees through the year in addition to the schedule PTA meetings and Principal’s forums. We plan on having teachers from different departments present on our academic program during these times as well as discuss among parents and administration what is happening at home and ways we can support kids to be successful.

We are also sensitive to ensuring that we provide access to the information from these sessions to working parents or parents who miss our sessions during the day. We commit to recording audio and/or video of these sessions so that they may be shared on the eNews for that week.

AMIS for all
A question was asked about why more students don’t participate in the AMIS honor music festivals. There may be some confusion here on how students are selected to participate.

The Association for Music in International Schools (AMIS) hosts festivals in the music disciplines each year. Students are invited to participate in the festival by audition only. ISB does not decide which students go to the festival – the panel of judges from AMIS does. Students from international schools throughout the region submit audition recordings, which are judged, and then invites are sent out. Schools do not have any sort of “quota” of invites.

Late to class

When students are late to class, we call this a “tardy.” We received questions about when students are assigned “tardies” and ways we can support students getting to class on time.

The most important thing to note in our response to students being late to class is that we approach this as a conversation starter with students about why they are late and what might need to be in place for students to make it on time.

Students only have two transitions a day between classes that are 5 minutes long. All other classes are separated by a longer break or lunch. Even then, most classes are in the main MS area and easily accessible within 5 minutes, even with a locker stop. Of course, the PE building and the Cultural Center are further away. When students are coming from these locations, we understand that the time can take longer. PE classes provide students time to shower and change within their allotted class time, allowing students the regular transition time for moving between classes.

All that said, we respond to tardies with conversations with students. For every understandable reason for lateness, we also see students who casually saunter in with smoothies in their hands after a 5 minute transition. In those cases, we talk about respect for learning time and behaving responsibly. We only exercise disciplinary consequences, when repeated instances continue to occur and students ignore opportunities to change their own practices.

Our goal is to manage these within our learning communities of Advisories, Houses and grade levels. A community that is respectful and accountable to each other will be one with few tardies and more mutual care. 


For Parents of our 8th graders – 8th Grade End of Year Ceremony on June 8th

Dear Parent(s) of Grade 8 Students:

Please join us in the Chevron Theatre on Wednesday, June 8th at 08:00am to commemorate your student’s move from middle school to high school (arrive early, we will begin on time). It is a significant step in their lives, and we would love to celebrate this moment together with you through a student-led ceremony lasting approximately one hour and thirty minutes. It will be followed by a reception in the MPB until approximately 10:30am. This is an important day for your child and your family. Please plan to attend the entire morning’s festivities.

Since this is a special celebration, we expect students to dress appropriately. Boys should wear dress pants, a dress shirt, a tie, and dress shoes. Suits and sport coats are not necessary. Girls should wear a dress, or blouse with a skirt or slacks, and dress shoes (with heels that are not too high as they need to climb up and down the stairs to the stage). Hems are not to be more than 8 cm above the knee. Dresses with sleeves are preferred. Jeans, shorts, sleeveless shirts, tuxedos, or formal dresses are not appropriate.

After the reception the students will continue their celebration with a lunch in our cafeteria, followed by time to celebrate their last full day together in Middle School. They should have a change of clothes for after the reception so that they can be more comfortable.

Please put this important date on your calendar. All family members are invited to attend the ceremony and reception for the students.

If you have any questions, please contact us at the school. We look forward to celebrating your child with you on this special day.


Dr. Roger Everett

Grade 8 Team Rep


Online Safety PTA Meeting Video

by Dennis Harter

On May 3rd, we held a PTA meeting focused on online behaviors and concerns related to middle school aged children. We brought together parents with counselors, technology specialists, and administrators to share what parents should know about sexting and online dangers, as well as some strategies for parents to work with their children on staying safe.

The session was divided into 3 themes:

  1. What is normal development for 11-14 year olds?
  2. What behaviors, apps, and dangers are out there?
  3. What can parents do to help keep children safe?

We also shared resources and articles that might be helpful. They are linked in this article. Hopefully the session prompted some healthy conversations at home between parents and child.

Please click here to access video and resources.



MS Play Next Tuesday – Thursday! 

‘Into the Woods’, by Stephen Sondheim won a Tony award for best musical on Broadway in 1988. Since then it has won acclaim world wide, in many countries and in a variety of different world-class productions.

Our last taste of ‘Into the Woods’ was last year when we saw it on the silver screen. This year Middle School at ISB will stage ‘Into the Woods Jnr’ on our CCT theatre stage. These performances take place on Tuesday May 17 at 3:00pm, Wednesday May 18 at 3:00pm, and on Thursday May 19 at 6:30pm, with a Red Carpet event where you can meet the cast and wine and dine prior to the performance. The Red Carpet event will begin at 5:30pm.


Tickets on sale at the front of school from 6:45 – 7:30am and during Middle School lunch.


Adults – 300B

Students – 200B

Red Carpet ticket Adult – 400B

Red Carpet ticket Child – 300B

50B from every ticket sold will go to the Moonlight School in Nepal.

Join us in the woods for some magic, mystery, and mayhem, but be careful how you go, there are Giants in the Sky!!! 


(Repeat Announcement) ISB Summer School Program

Will you be here in Bangkok in June or July?  Looking for something for your child(ren) to do?  Then check out ISB’s exciting and enriching Summer School Program!  Once again students in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 will be learning in an environment that is nurturing, academically challenging, and socially engaging.  ISB’s highly qualified summer school teachers are inspired professionals dedicated to creating the best possible learning experiences.  New ideas, new curriculum and new friends await each student.

For complete information on our website about our ISB Summer Program, please click here.

For any questions, please email

Best Regards,

Maurilio Baron-Toaldo

Summer School Director

International School Bangkok


(Repeat Announcement) Parent Transition Meeting

Dear ES, MS, and HS parents,

Are you moving at the end of this school year? The ISB Counseling Department invites you to attend a Parent Transition Meeting on Wednesday, May 25 from 8:00-9:30 in the Elementary School MPR. In order to support both you and your student, we’ll talk about the various aspects of transitions, things to consider, how to leave Bangkok well and arrive well at your new destination. We look forward to supporting you in this process.

ISB Counselors


(Repeat Announcement) Annual Medical Screening For Students

by Sally PLOMLEY

It is the time of year when we need to start the medical screening process for ALL students. We have modified the screening process so there is a basic medical screen for most students with a more extensive screen for students entering Grades 3, 6, 9 and 11 which includes a tuberculosis screen. Any student who has had a new student medical examination after January 2016 will not need a repeat examination. All students must fill in the Nurse Medication Consent form.

Forms are available for download from the ISB website. ISB Health Services Forms and Resources

Any student with Diabetes, Asthma or Anaphylaxis will also need an action plan filled out by the doctor. Forms are available for download from the ISB website. ISB Health Services Forms and Resources

ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE HEALTH CLINIC BY JUNE 30 2016 either in person or via email

Please click here to access the document containing full information


(Repeat Announcement) Leaving ISB at the End of the Semester?

Dear Parents,

If your child will be leaving ISB at the end of this semester please make sure you inform Khun Natt at or 02-963-5893.

The earlier we know about your child leaving ISB the more time it gives us to prepare important forms and transfer information for your child’s next school in a timely manner.

We know this can be a hard time for our students and we would like to make sure they are prepared for the transition they will be making so that it is less stressful.

If you would like your child to be part of a small group to give them the opportunity to understand their transition and build strategies to cope during their transition please click here and complete the form.


Jackie Greenwood:

Carmel Kean:

Janel Wilder:


(Repeat Announcement) eNewsletter Guidelines

by: Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. Please see our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families and ISB staff for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information
• An image or photo (optional)

Where to submit your announcement
 is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

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