Timings for our School Day During the Next Academic Year

by Graeme SCOTT

Dear ISB Community Members,

As this semester draws to a close, we have some important information regarding the timings for our school day during the next academic year.

In February of this year, we sent you a survey regarding our plans to adjust the school day in order to accommodate some important additional benefits for our students.  These benefits are linked here as a reminder.  We had a total of 500 responses to this parent survey, with 86% of respondents supporting our proposal.

Please find below start and end times for Elementary, Middle and High schools from the beginning of the next school year (2016/17).Screen Shot 2016-05-12 at 1.57.39 PMMorning bus times will remain the same as this year.  However, we will monitor the traffic based on this new staggered start.  It may mean that buses can arrive slightly later due to less congestion in the approach to Nichada, but for the beginning of the school year, bus times in the mornings will remain as they are now.

Supervision for elementary students will be provided from 7:00am.  We do not encourage elementary students to arrive before 7:00am.

Buses will leave school at the following times:

First bus                     2:35 pm

Second bus               3:45 pm

Third bus                   5:10 pm

If you have any questions about these changes, please contact the relevant Principal or a member of the administration.
Kind regards,

Graeme Scott

Deputy Head of School for Learning

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