PTA Executive Board Nominations for 2016-17 school year

Parents: The PTA needs you! Nominations are currently open and being accepted for the following positions for the 2016-17 school year:

  • President
    1st Vice President
    2nd Vice President
    ES Rep
    MS Rep
    HS Rep
    Welcome Wai
  • Host Country Rep

This is your chance to make a real difference in your children’s lives at ISB.

See the attached nomination form and see the attached PTA By-Laws for a description of the Executive Board positions.  All nominations are due to Pascale by Friday, May 13th.  The completed nomination form can either by e-mail to Pascale or put in her mailbox in the PTA office at ISB.

The election of the 2016-17 PTA Executive Board will take place on Tuesday, May 17th at 6:00pm at the PTA Annual General Meeting in the Cultural Center Theatre.

For more information please contact the current PTA 1st Vice President, Pascale Kervyn, at

PTA 2016-17 final nomination form

PTA 2016-17 final nomination form PTA Bylaws MAY 2015

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