MS Counselor Corner


Many students will be on the move at the end of this school year. Some will move to new schools and some to new divisions at their present school.

Moving from Elementary to Middle School or from Middle School to High School or moving to a new school brings challenges for students and parents; new buildings, new friends, new teachers. The possibility of harder work, more homework, more tests. There is a lot to consider and worry about.

Parents need to assist students to take care of the emotional challenges is these transitions. Confidence and the belief that you can succeed usually translate to doing well socially and academically.

Adolescence is a difficult time. Brains are developing in spurts and plateaus and this can affect academic performance. The peer group takes an important place, being popular may be more important than doing well in school.

Parents can help by staying connected. Stay informed, listen, and know what is going on in your child’s life.

Make sure your child is prepared for learning. Help them to get plenty of sleep, be consistent with rules and expectations. Model the importance of education. Nurture your adolescent. Watch for signs of stress, be affectionate in words and actions, and take time to listen.

We wish you and them all the best for their moves. Before the end of the school year, we will be meeting leaving students in groups to provide some support to process the move to a new school . You should have received an email in regard to this.

We are also working across divisions to assist the transition from Elementary to Middle and Middle to High.

The attached articles may help with suggestions as to how to assist your adolescent with these moves.

Please let us know if you have any concerns in regard to your child’s move.

Carmel Kean Gr 6 Counselor

Janel Wilder Gr 7 Counselor

Jackie Greenwood Gr 8 Counselor

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