ISB Safety Update

 Dear ISB Community,

I am writing to update community members with respect to the review of the recent tragedy that took place in our 50 m. pool.

In the week of 18-22 April, a consultant from Clearpath EPM spent four days on campus interviewing administrators, coaches, lifeguards, aquatics and athletics staff, security guards, nurses, and others. CCTV footage was reviewed as well as a variety of policies, procedures, and handbooks. On Monday this week we received the Clearpath report.

This Tuesday we met with two Chevron safety experts to conduct a root cause analysis protocol. The report of this analysis reached us yesterday.

Our immediate next task is to analyse all findings, develop a plan of action, and expedite the action steps. As soon as we are able, we will communicate our findings and planned action steps with the ISB community.

Our aims are to make sure that a comprehensive investigation occurs and that our aquatics programs and pools meet the highest safety standards.

If any ISB community member has any questions or would like to offer suggestions, please contact any of us listed below.


Dr. Andrew Davies
Head of School
081 851 6277

Usa Somboon

Philip Bradley
HS Principal

Corry Day
Aquatics Director

Derrick Quinet
Aquatics Director

Rick Nelson
Safety Manager


About Tina

ES secretary
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