2016 Yoga Pray for Nepal : Pack of Soul Shine.

Bill Schoonover

This Saturday, May 7th 8:00-9:30 am.   at HS Dance Studio,3rd Fl  CCT building.

To support the HS Project “ Nepal Earthquake Recovery,” join Yoga Pray for Nepal: Pack of Soul Shine”

Family Fund raised event :

Yoga practice lead by Napisa C Pant, ISB Parent, certified yoga teacher, 500hrs RYT Registered with Yoga Alliance. Mindfulness Practice lead by Mrs. Jackie Greenwood, MS counselor, trained by UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness and Mindful schools. She is also a foundation teacher for the Mindfulness in ISB school projects. Also meet Yichen Zhu, Talented HS student, plays Guzheng, an ancient Chinese

Traditional string musical Instrument with over 2,000 years of history. Yichen began playing at the age of 5. They are all honored to be part of Nepal Earthquake Recovery.

More information, please contact: Bill Schoonover, bills@isb.ac.th

Napisa C. Pant, napisapant.yoga@gmail.com

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