ISB Book Awards and Character Dress-Up Days

Each year ISB celebrates books that exemplify the way we learn and play at ISB. This year, we are showcasing books that highlight the “achieving our academic potential” part of our mission statement.  Grade levels are currently nominating books to win the grade-level award.  During the week of May 9th, we will decorate the HUB in “Oscars” style to celebrate the winning selections.  Students are encouraged to dress up as book characters who are trying to achieve their academic potential during the May 12th and 13th Out-of-Uniform Days. Think about characters who show determination and resilience in their learning!  A photographer will be on hand to document students in their costumes–it would be helpful for children to bring a copy of the book their character comes from, if you have one at home.

Stop by the HUB, browse the selections, and start talking with your children about books you’ve read with characters who are working hard to achieve their academic potential!

Past award winners here.

Nat Whitman

About Tina

ES secretary
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