H.S. Counseling Newsletter

Jennifer Melton

If you will or may be leaving ISB this June, please meet with your student’s counselor. We’re here to support families through this transition.

Internship Program
The High School runs an internship program for our grade 9-11 students at the end of the 2015-16 school year.  The program will run from June 13-23 and includes workshops (prior to the actual internship) on resume-writing, interviewing skills, and other information related to success on the job.  We work with businesses that are happy to sponsor one or more ISB students in an appropriate, stimulating internship where they have a chance to learn about the workings of a business/career while gaining valuable experience in what it takes to be successful in a job.  The cost of the internship is 17,500 baht.  If you think that your son or daughter would benefit from such an experience, have them contact Mr. Callahan at kevinc@isb.ac.th and he will help them with further steps in securing an internship.

Grade 9
This week students had access to their final exam schedule on PowerSchool. The best form of preparation for these exams right now is focusing on what is being taught at present and preparing for the likely summative assessment that will take place between now and finals. Now would also be a time to visit teachers with any questions from prior topics that were difficult to grasp; this shouldn’t take place a few days prior to exams. Please encourage your son or daughter to do so.

Even for this time of year temperatures and humidity that are extremely high. It is so important to keep encouraging hydration for both health and learning purposes. Keep Hydrated:)

Grade 10
Many parents wonder about the best times for their son and daughters to take standardized tests which are used for university application/selection.  Some start as early as 9th grade, and some parents become anxious when they aren’t doing the same as their children’s peers.  Some thoughts to consider:
Taking the PSAT in 11th grade, and their first SAT in January of 11th grade, keeps students right on track for maximizing their scores.  Take the second in May-June and third, if necessary, in fall of Senior year.  Data shows that students very rarely increase their scores after the third try.  Developmentally, it is much better to prep for a test designed for 11th and 12th graders when the student is closer to that age, and the curriculum of ISB in math and English will certainly be adding to their skills and ultimate scores.  Plus, and maybe most importantly, there’s no need to add further to students’ stress and anxiety about the future by making them study outside of school for a test two or three years down the line.  Please consider this plan when thinking of your student’s future….. and present.

Grade 11
Students who may need to TOEFL or IELTS, are encouraged to plan to take this over the summer. If students are planning on taking the June 4 SAT or June 11 ACT, the deadline to register is Thursday (SAT) and Friday (ACT) of next week. If your daughter/son has questions regarding how to register, please have them see their counselor before the deadline.

Junior Seminar #4 will be on Thursday, May 12 during Flex. The focus will be on summer activities and senior year expectations. If you have not scheduled a Junior Conference with your daughter/son’s counselor, you are strongly encouraged to do so.

Last week and this week, the counselors offered workshops on variety of topics to grade 11 students: Applying to the UK, How to Write a Personal Statement for UCAS (UK), How to Write a College Essay, How to Research Universities. The counselors appreciated the attendance and interest of those students who attended.

Have you started to think about sending your son/daughter off to university? What that process might be like both practically and emotionally? We recommend all 11th grade parents start reading Letting Go: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding the College Years by Coburn and Treeger. Limited copies are also available in the HS Counseling Office and the HS Library.

Grade 12
Seniors are officially on study leave with exams beginning next week. Remind your seniors to get plenty of rest, set a study plan, and confer with teachers for any necessary exam support. This can be a time of many mixed feelings for students and parents. Counselors are still available to support students in any way.

Thank you to those who came to the Grade 12 Parent Transition Meeting this past Thursday. We hope you found this helpful. If you were not able to attend, a copy of the presentation can be found here. Senior Transition Day for Seniors will take place on Monday, May 23 from 7:20-2:00pm. Students will need to turn in their completed Leaver’s Form and return their laptops during this program.

University Decisions – Seniors need to notify their counselors of admission decisions. If a student decides NOT to attend a university to which they’ve been accepted, they should notify the university of their decision. This can be done through an email or an online portal as directed in the acceptance notification. Students and parents need to read these acceptances very carefully for details. Finally, students should deposit to only ONE institution. ISB will send a final transcript to only ONE university.

Japan, Korea, and India Applicants– Students applying to Japan, Korea, and India met with counselors a few weeks ago to begin planning for upcoming applications. Students and parents should speak with their counselor and plan accordingly especially if deadlines are beyond graduation.

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