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High School Upcoming events (Please click):


Celebrating the life of Anthony Faseler
Philip Bradley

At 3pm on Tuesday April 26th  we will gather in the Chevron Theater to celebrate Anthony’s life.

Anthony’s family and friends will share memories, stories and music.

We are expecting large numbers for this celebration so please arrive early. There will be overflow seating and a live video feed.




H.S. Counseling Newsletter
Jennifer Melton

We hope students and families had a good and restful Songkran holiday!

If you will or may be leaving ISB this June, please meet with your student’s counselor. We’re here to support families through this transition.

Internship Program

The High School runs an internship program for our grade 9-11 students at the end of the 2015-16 school year.  The program will run from June 13-23 and includes workshops (prior to the actual internship) on resume-writing, interviewing skills, and other information related to success on the job.  We work with businesses that are happy to sponsor one or more ISB students in an appropriate, stimulating internship where they have a chance to learn about the workings of a business/career while gaining valuable experience in what it takes to be successful in a job.  The cost of the internship is 17,500 baht.  If you think that your son or daughter would benefit from such an experience, have them contact Mr. Callahan at and he will help them with further steps in securing an internship.

A few upcoming reminders:

Grade 9
As we enter into the last stretch of the school year, fatigue with some students will kick in. There is still a lot of learning to take place though, and finding a focused approach in the remaining weeks will be a good target and challenge for our students. Mr. Davy will be reminding them of such. He’s have seen a great amount of growth in the class of 2019 and hope for a strong finish to the school year.

For many, they will be looking to improve a “grade” in a class. Students are encouraged to keep looking at how they may improve upon or maintain healthy habits and attitudes (HAL) in the weeks ahead. Focus on engagement, initiative, and preparation.

Grade 10
We’re now getting to the final push of the year, and organization is a key to success for students in managing their busy days.  One piece of the academic puzzle that many students and parents tend to overlook is the HAL grade, a student’s habits and attitudes toward learning.  Most parents and students look straight at the percentage grades that they are earning, without considering how work is being approached to earn those grades.  Have you talked to your son or daughter about their HAL grades?  (They are on a 1-7 basis, with 7 being the highest possible.)  A great question for students to ask their teachers is, “What should I be doing to improve my HAL grade?”.  It’s no surprise that high HAL grades and good letter grades tend to go together!

Grade 11
Students should take the time to meet with university representatives of schools of which they are interested. As part of the continued programming to support students applying to university, students should plan to attend upcoming University Labs:

  • US College Essays on Monday, April 25
  • How to Research Universities on Wednesday, April 27

Students who may need to TOEFL or IELTS, are encouraged to plan to take this over the summer. The final SAT is on June 4 with a registration deadline of May 7 and the final ACT is on June 11 with a registration deadline of May 6.

Grade 12
It’s hard to believe there are only 3 full days of high school left for our Seniors. Then they’ll have study leave as they prepare for their exams. Remind them to get plenty of rest, set a study plan, and confer with teachers for any necessary exam support. As parents, you are invited next Thursday, April 28 to the Senior Parent Transition meeting at 8:30 am in MPB#1.

University Decisions – Seniors need to notify their counselors of admission decisions. If a student decides NOT to attend a university to which they’ve been accepted, they should notify the university of their decision. This can be done through an email or an online portal as directed in the acceptance notification. Students and parents need to read these acceptances very carefully for details. Finally, students should deposit to only ONE institution. ISB will send a final transcript to only ONE university.

Japan, Korea, and India Applicants– Students applying to Japan, Korea, and India met with counselors a few weeks ago to begin planning for upcoming applications. Students and parents should speak with their counselor and plan accordingly especially if deadlines are beyond graduation.

University Visits – Friday, April 29 @ 10:20am

  • Bryn Mawr College
  • Connecticut College
  • Kenyon College
  • Occidental College
  • University of Richmond


Annual Medical Screening For Students
Sally Plomley

It is the time of year when we need to start the medical screening process for ALL students.

We have modified the screening process so there is a basic medical screen for most students with a more extensive screen for students entering Grades 3, 6, 9 and 11 which includes a tuberculosis screen. Any student who has had a new student medical examination after January 2016 will not need a repeat examination. All students must fill in the Nurse Medication Consent form.

Forms are available for download from the ISB website. ISB Health Services Forms and Resources

Any student with Diabetes, Asthma or Anaphylaxis will also need an action plan filled out by the doctor. Forms are available for download from the ISB website. ISB Health Services Forms and Resources

ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE HEALTH CLINIC BY JUNE 30 2016 either in person or via email


The medicals can be done by any registered medical practitioner either in Thailand or your home country. Many health insurance companies will cover annual medical screening for children. The medicals examinations for students entering K and grades 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 12 can now be done at the Bumrungrad Nichada Clinic (with referral to the hospital is any issues). They can also be done at World Medical Center or Samitivej Hospital. All other students will need to attend Bumrungrad Hospital, World Medical Center or Samitivej Hospital.

Packages have been negotiated for Bumrungrad and World Medical Center as outlined below. Please make your child’s booking for the “ISB Student Physical Examination” and take all the forms for the doctor to fill out (as required). Please note there may be an additional 100 THB for equipment and additional fees if there are additional reviews or tests are required due to abnormalities.

Untitled2Tuberculosis (TB) Screen additional costs (discuss with your doctor the appropriate screening test)


Any questions regarding the Annual Medical Screening please email or



Nepal Earthquake Recovery: let’s not forget
Bill Schoonover

Monday, April 25, marks the one-year anniversary for the deadly Nepal earthquake of 2015. During this event, over 8,000 people were killed, over 20,000 injured and hundreds of thousands were left homeless. As the epicentre was just outside the capital city of Kathmandu, the human impact and devastation was enormous.

When this event happened, the ISB community quickly responded. Our global community includes Nepali citizens and others who have visited their beautiful country and fallen in love with the people, the landscape, and the culture. In addition, ISB has a special relationship with a unique, primary school in Kathmandu – the Moonlight School – dedicated to finding and educating the most at-risk and vulnerable children of the city who otherwise have limited options for learning and improving their situation in life. For the past 8 years, ISB has collaborated with the Moonlight School during Global Citizens Week to bring a group of ISB students to help support the school in Kathmandu and build awareness around urban poverty and the hope that comes through providing at-risk children with adequate education.

With great relief, there were no deaths in the Moonlight School student population following the earthquake, although there were various injuries and 100% of the families lived in the street following the earthquake, some for up to two months. Also, the earthquake badly damaged the Moonlight School building, which was rendered unsafe and unusable. In large part due to the generous support of the ISB community following the earthquake, Moonlight was able to construct a new, after-shock-resilient school in an empty lot nearby and they are now able to serve their students once again holding regular classes at the regular schedule.

Moonlight School, however, still needs support to become fully functional. As part of the post-earthquake construction project, Moonlight was able to dig a well to provide a water source for the school. The water, however, is not safe for drinking because of its high bacteria and iron levels. Moonlight currently buys drinking water for the children, but this is only a temporary measure, as it is extremely costly for a school that runs on such a small budget, taking away critical resources from educational materials and other school costs. Essentially, it is not a sustainable solution for the long run and Moonlight must install a water filtration system in order to fix this problem. In addition, the play area around the school is a dirt yard and dust is constantly blowing into the children’s classrooms, posing a significant health hazard for the students. While the fix may seem relatively simple – paving blocks or installing bricks in the yard and creating garden spaces – these types of building materials are quite expensive following all the post-earthquake construction that has been on-going in the city. Moonlight School is asking for additional support to be able to complete these critical components of their post-earthquake construction project. Projected costs for the water filtration system plus dust mitigation are in the range of $15,000 to $20,000 USD.

Over the next month, ISB will be running a school-wide fund-raiser for the Moonlight School safe drinking water and dust mitigation project.

Please consider donating money either in boxes set up in the lunchroom,

or by giving a money directly to the ISB Cashier’s Office for the“Moonlight” account.


In addition, here is a list of upcoming events where you can share your support for Moonlight’s continued recovery:


Activity / Event: When: Organizer:
HS Band Concert April 21 Thomas Myers
T-shirt sales (HS/MS café) April 25 – 27 Napisa Pant  + GIN club

MS Art Silent Auction April 27 Trista Meisner

Yoga Pray for Nepal May 7 Napisa Pant

MS Band Concert May 11 Kentaro Udagawa

MS Art Second Silent Auction May 11 Trista Meisner

Charity Fun Run May 11 Lien Indigne

MS Drama Production May 17-19 Michael Sharp

After School Dance May 27-28 Helen Weir

ES Kindergarten Book Sale TBD Jen Whitman

HS GIN club

Small change appeal

TBD Eleanor Brock
HS Service Fund Grant Grant application in process Matthew Kelly

Thank you for your continued support. If you have questions, please contact Bill Schoonover, ISB HS Science Teacher, who recently visited the school and can discuss more of the details of that visit and the school’s specific funding needs:

Moonlight 2016

Spring Showcase
Peter Assimakopoulos
This year the Spring Showcase will exhibit several theatre projects. For the Spring Showcase, students worked collaboratively to create new work and scripted work. During the process of this showcase, students came together with a shared passion for devised work to direct, design and produce an engaging piece of theatre. The cost of admission for the performances on April 27th at 3pm and April 28th at 6:30pm is 100 Baht. All proceeds will go to the Maekok River Village in ChiangRai. Last week, this village suffered a devasting fire which destroyed 60 homes and has left 300 people homeless. See images attached.



Summer School
Maurilio Baron-Toaldo

Reminder, ISB Summer School Early Bird Registration Price Ends on Friday, April 29th

For complete information about our ISB Summer Program, please click hereRegistration is now open with an Early Bird special expiring on Friday, April 29th.  

For any questions, please email

Best Regards,

Maurilio Baron-Toaldo
Summer School Director
International School Bangkok


eNewsletter Guidelines
Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings

The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

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