2016 Yoga Pray for Nepal – May 7th

Napisa  C. Pant
Bill Schoonover

This month is the one year anniversary of the horrible earthquakes that afflicted Nepal. The Moonlight Foundation runs the Moonlight school which serves children living in poverty in Kathmandu.  Because they are the host of our HS GCW trips, we would like to continue to support their recovery.  Through the generous response of the Nichada, ISB and yoga community last year, we were able to provide them with the money to rebuild their school.  But they are still struggling financially and need continued support.  It’s common for when natural disasters strike, supporters pour their hearts out at first but then quickly it falls out of the news and our thoughts.

We would like to invite you to continue our support to the Moonlight Foundation.

The limited collection of T-shirt will be available for your donation starting April 25, at HS cafeteria, ES Walkway and yoga community.

Yoga Pray For Nepal, Fund raised event. Sat, May7th, 8:00-9:30 am. at HS Dance room, CCT Building .

Yoga practice lead by ISB Parents to ease you to the Compassionate Mindfulness practice guided by Mrs. Jackie Greenwood, Middle School Counselor.

More information, please contact

Bill Schoonover, bills@isb.ac.th
Napisa C. Pant, napisapant.yoga@gmail.com


Nepal Yoga 1

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