If You Need Support

Our counseling team is here to support any students or parents who might need to talk due to the recent tragedy.  If you notice your child struggling, please let one of the counseling team know and they can follow up to support you.  Some things you might notice are: talking a lot about the events that took place and asking many questions about what happened, having trouble sleeping, or continued expression of sad feelings.

Please let us know if you observe these behaviors continuing throughout the break.  

ES Counseling Team:
Ryan Ruhl PK counselor and ES psychologist ryanr@isb.ac.th
Doug Williamson – grades 3-5 douglasw@isb.ac.th
Jon Stuart, and Jacqui Belsford – grades K-2 jons@isb.ac.th       jacquib@isb.ac.th

About Tina

ES secretary
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