Clean Out That Closet!

by: Kerry Dyke

Earth Week is starting the Monday after Songkran.  All week we will have containers in front of the school collecting items to donate and recycle.  Most of the items (toys, books, magazines, clothing, sports equipment, shoes, etc) will go to a local refugee camp helping kids the same age as our students without a country.  Most are from Somalia and cannot go to school here or work.  Some items will go to Second Chance Bangkok helping local designers in one of Bangkok’s poorest neighborhoods.  As well we will collect E-waste for the first time and recycle it responsibly, thus bring in those old devices, chargers, etc.

We will also have the documentary Cowspiracy showing on Tuesday, 2:15 in the MPB 1 and parents are welcome to join as well. Cowspiracy is a 2014 documentary addressing how animal agriculture is the largest cause of pollution worldwide and that none of the largest environmental groups are talking about it. It is rated 13+ as there are some graphic scenes of animal death.  In addition to confronting agribusiness and environmental groups, this documentary espouses that many of the planet’s woes (water shortages, climate change, starvation, and poverty in the developing world) could end if people ate less meat.

Throughout the week we will have presentations and activities for all that you can see on the poster below.

earth week 2016

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