ES Parent Education Workshop – April 7, 2016, 7:30-9:00 am (MPB 1)

From Consumer to Creators

Mobile devices permeate the world we live in.  They help us communicate, capture our lives and our learning, and they also entertain.  A new reality of parenting is emerging and we are grappling with big questions:  

  • How comfortable am I with my children engaging with mobile devices?  What are our family agreements?
  • How can we ensure our children are using mobile devices in ways that empower creativity, problem solving and learning?

This interactive workshop will unpack how our children use devices and support ways we can take them from being passive consumers of content to active creators of content.

Bring your mobile device (iPad or iPhone) and be ready to enjoy a list of ideas and suggested apps just in time for the Songkran holiday.

For a complete list of apps to download in advance, check out this page:

About Tina

ES secretary
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