Earth Week Plastic Photo Challenge

Dear Parents and Students,

Your mission, should you decide to accept the challenge is to capture the best photo of plastic in the environment.

Theme: “Our Plastic World”. 

We will pick up to 20 photos to have enlarged and displayed.  People vote for the winner. As protectors of the Earth, we encourage all our ISB community members (students, parents, teachers, staff, etc) to take part, to notice ‘Our Plastic World’ and submit a photograph.

Submission Date: You can start sending your submissions now. All submissions must be received by Monday, April 18, which is the first day back from Songkran. This is so we can have them displayed during Earth Week April 18-22.

Photo Submissions: Please email submissions to –

Your submission needs: Name, a title, and where the photo was taken.

Winner will be determined on International Earth Day, April 22.

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