Computers and Back Pain

How is using your computer affecting your child’s back? As we are using computers a lot more in schools and at home, there has been an increase in teenagers developing back pain. The pain can be both upper and lower back and there can be changes in the back muscles due to poor posturing whilst using computers.

Some recommendations for your child:

  1. Place the computer on a table with the screen close to eye level
  2. Use a desk chair with lumbar support. May be leaned back slightly if unable to get screen at eye level
  3. Don’t slouch…. try and keep your back straight
  4. If possible use a separate keyboard and mouse. Have it positioned such that the elbows are at a right angle
  5. Prop the feet up so your knees are level with your hips
  6. Do NOT use the computer whilst sitting on the ground, couch or floor
  7. Take a break every 30 minutes
  8. Limit screen time
  9. Encourage regular exercise (at least 1 hour a day)

Remember to protect your back as well be following the above recommendations….hopefully your children will follow your example!

This short video helps explain the correct posturing.

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