What is a Trustee?

by Joy Davy

What is a Trustee?

Are you not certain what the ISB Board of Trustees actually does? Perhaps you don’t know what the division of responsibility is between the Board and the School Administration? Or how the Board differs from the PTA? Are you undecided whether or not to run in the upcoming ISB Board of Trustees election? We can help to answer those questions.

Prospective candidates, and all interested members of the community, are warmly welcome to attend this informative evening session–What is a Trustee?”—which will be held on Tuesday, April 5, 6:30 pm at the MPB3. Please note that this is a date change from that originally published in the ISB calendar.

You need not be a prospective candidate to attend this practical session. It is also an opportunity to learn about the roles, responsibilities and work of the Board of Trustees (BOT), in general. We welcome all members of our community to join us.

For candidates, please be reminded that the deadline for submission of BOT Nomination Forms is Friday, April 8, 2016 at 12 noon. Forms must be submitted in 2 formats: 1) by email to Board secretary, Joy Davy at joy.davy@yahoo.com (with your name as subject line) and 2) hard copy with Khun Oor, at the Head of School office.

For more information, please contact Elizabeth Bredin at 095-475-2364 or esbredin@gmail.com


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