The gift of Blood is the gift of Life! Blood donations….All Blood Types Required!

by Sally PLOMLEY

The Thailand Red Cross never has enough blood. We are organizing the donation center to come to ISB on May 2 to collect blood from willing donors. To donate blood you need to pre-register and fill in the appropriate registration form. All donors should be 17-55 years old and will be reviewed by the donation team to ensure they are ok to donate (this includes a check of their hemoglobin prior to donation).

The blood that is donated will be used by the Red Cross for potentially life saving blood, plasma and platelet transfusions.

Sterile techniques are used for blood donations and all blood is screened for infectious diseases after it is donated. All potential donors should be fit and healthy on the day of donation and will need to fill in a questionnaire prior to donation (please see donation guidelines below to see if you are ok to donate). Please ensure you are well rested, well hydrated and have a low fat breakfast/lunch prior to donating.

If you are willing to donate (and meet the criteria below) please sign up through Signup Genius (Blood donation sign up), Facebook “Blood Donation Information Page- Expats in Thailand” or email

Donations will be 9am-12pm and 1-3pm.

Negative Blood Group Database:

At times the Red Cross is in desperate need of Rh negative blood as not many Thais are Rh negative. Those with negative blood can also provide contact details so they can join a database and be contacted to see if they are willing to donate when this blood type is urgently required.

Registration for the Stem Cell Donor Database:

When you donate you may also want to sign up to be on the stem cell donor register. Stem cells are used in the treatment of certain cancer and other medical conditions. Information will be provided on the day about being a stem cell donor.

The Red Cross defines an acceptable donor as one whom:

  • Is between the ages of 17-55.
  • Weighs at least 45 kg (99 lbs).

Donating is not advised if you:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Gave birth or had a miscarriage in the past six months.
  • Had diarrhea in the past seven days.
  • Had dental treatment in the past three days.
  • Had major surgery in the past six months or minor surgery in the past seven days.
  • Have a history of drug use or been imprisoned in the past three years.
  • Received a blood transfusion in the past year.
  • Visited any area where malaria is endemic in the past year or actually had malaria in the past three years.
  • Resided in the UK for more than 6 months during the period 1986-1999.
  • Have taken any medication other than Paracetamol/acetaminophen.
  • Have tested positive for hepatitis B or C in the past.
  • Have asthma, epilepsy, chronic skin disease, chronic cough, tuberculosis, allergies, high blood pressure, heart/kidney/thyroid disease, cancer, bleeding disorder, etc.
  • Have had ear/body piercings, tattoos made or removed, or acupuncture in the past year.
  • Have received any vaccinations in the past two months except seasonal Flu vaccine.
  • Have received a serum injection in the past year.

Before donating blood you should:

  • Get enough sleep (at least six hours).
  • Drink at least 3-4 cups of pure water to prepare your system and avoid getting dizzy.
  • Eat something healthy that is low in fat. No high fat foods for 6 hours preceding donation.
  • Refrain from smoking at least one hour before and after the donation.


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