MS PTA Meeting — Thursday, April 7th 9:30-10:30am in MPB2

Please join us for the final MS PTA meeting of the year. The main topic will be on Safety Online (and offline) for our students in the age of the Smart Phone. We will share some of the global concerns on this as well as share strategies parents can use to help their child stay safe.

Middle school aged students need the support of adults to scaffold their decision-making and choices. Their own brains are wired to prefer social, immediate gratification over long-term benefits. Without careful attention at school and home, current technology is a dangerous combination with adolescent brain wiring. And these online behaviors affect their face to face social world too. Let’s talk about what we can do together to help our students.
We hope you can join us for this important conversation.

MS PTA Coordinators
Rosalina Hernandez and Nisha Westerman

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