Annual ISB Staff Appreciation Lunch sponsored by the PTA – TOMORROW – 30 March

Annual Staff Appreciation Lunch

From Abbie Boudreaux –

March 30, 2016

10:00 am-1:00 pm

The ISB staff has been working hard all year to make this school a great place for our kids to learn. To show our appreciation , the PTA hosts an annual “Staff Appreciation Lunch” with food prepared and served by parent volunteers.

This year the lunch will be held, Wednesday, March 30, 2016. We need an abundance of food to feed over 550 hungry ISB employees (teachers, administrators, nurses and all support staff). Several food dishes are needed from all families to make this event a success….I really need your help! You can sign up for desserts, salads ,meat platters, appetizers or your own country specialty.

Sign up here!!!

Please keep in mind a few guidelines:

1. Each dish should serve 12 people.

2.Dishes should be delivered between 9:00am and 9:30am on Wednesday, March 30th.

3.Dishes should be delivered in reusable containers with the owners name on it, teachers name and classroom number.

4. Please keep in mind that all dishes will be served at room temperature.


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