HS Uniform Reminder

Andy Vaughan

Over the past two weeks teachers have been asked to pay closer attention to our High School Student uniform rules that are set out on page 30-31 of the HS Student Handbook.

In particular staff have been asked to follow up on the follow three items:

  1. Hoodies/Sweatshirts/Jackets -These should be connected with ISB (Teams clubs etc..) and need to be in the school colours of black, yellow, white or grey.
  2. Flip Flops -Students must wear appropriate footwear (rubber beach sandals are not allowed).
  3. Pants -These should be appropriate length and made from the appropriate material.

Monitoring pants is a very difficult task, primarily due to the fact that our bookstore pants are not a good fit for most of our female students. Students should not be wearing lycra or ‘yoga’ style pants to school. Any long tighter style pant should have pockets, proper seams and not be a ‘fitness style’ pant. Pants can be khaki or black in colour and can be shorts longs or a skirt in style so long as they are appropriate length. Please note that we are allowing non-ISB purchased pants so long as they look similar to our current pants, this is a shift in thinking from our current student handbook guidelines.

Please feel free to contact or see Andy Vaughan if you have any queries regarding HS uniforms.


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