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High School Upcoming events (Please click):


HS Uniform Reminder
Andy Vaughan

Over the past two weeks teachers have been asked to pay closer attention to our High School Student uniform rules that are set out on page 30-31 of the HS Student Handbook.

In particular staff have been asked to follow up on the follow three items:

  1. Hoodies/Sweatshirts/Jackets -These should be connected with ISB (Teams clubs etc..) and need to be in the school colours of black, yellow, white or grey.
  2. Flip Flops -Students must wear appropriate footwear (rubber beach sandals are not allowed).
  3. Pants -These should be appropriate length and made from the appropriate material.

Monitoring pants is a very difficult task, primarily due to the fact that our bookstore pants are not a good fit for most of our female students. Students should not be wearing lycra or ‘yoga’ style pants to school. Any long tighter style pant should have pockets, proper seams and not be a ‘fitness style’ pant. Pants can be khaki or black in colour and can be shorts longs or a skirt in style so long as they are appropriate length. Please note that we are allowing non-ISB purchased pants so long as they look similar to our current pants, this is a shift in thinking from our current student handbook guidelines.

Please feel free to contact or see Andy Vaughan if you have any queries regarding HS uniforms.



H.S. Counseling Newsletter
Ryan Haynes

Grade 9
During this past week, our 9th graders signed up for courses for next school year. We hope the students and families took the time to review, plan, and discuss options. These options are not set in stone though. If there is a change of direction in regards to thoughts surrounding a student’s choices, they should contact Mr. Davy or the 10-12 counselor who they met with recently.

We are starting to see fatigue kick in at this time of year with some of our students. This can be due to efforts put forth towards school, an extra notch on the heat index, and a number of different factors.  It is important at these times to maintain a “healthy engine”, concentrating on good sleep, exercise, and nutrition. Please keep promoting this.

Grade 10
Course selections have been made for 11th grade and now the Mr. Rogers (with the help of the computer) is putting together a master schedule.  Hopefully students will get the exact program that they hope for, but there are always slight adjustments that need to be done for a best-fit for everyone involved.  Those will take place later in the year, so no need to worry or second-guess your selections at this point.

Interested in an internship this summer? ISB offers a Summer Internship Program as part of its Summer School Program.  The program runs the first two weeks after regular school ends (June 13-23), and students also do pre-internship seminars in interview skills and resume-writing, with a day of wrap-up and reflection back at school at the conclusion of the internship.  If you are interested in the program for your son or daughter, have them stop by the High School office in the Counseling area and pick up a form (no obligation) from Khun Mai or Mr. Callahan.

Grade 11
The process for selecting courses on PowerSchool for next year concluded this past Tuesday, March 22. If students would like to make changes to their courses for next year, they should meet with their counselor.

Also, Junior Conferences should be finishing soon. If students have not met with their counselor to discuss their post-secondary education plans, please schedule a Junior Conference soon!

A reminder, if a student is planning on taking the May 7 SAT, the deadline to register is, April 8. If a student does not know how to register for the SAT, he/she needs to meet with his/her counselor.

Grade 12
Mark your calendars on Thursday, April 28, 8:30am. All grade 12 parents are invited to the Grade 12 Parent Transition meeting. Counselors will discuss the transition process to support parents as Grade 12 students plan move onto to university, gap years, etc.

Senior Transition Day is Monday, May 28 for all Seniors. Students will have a full day of events as they prepare to graduate high school and head off to new adventures. More details will be shared after Songkran.

As university results begin to come in for students in the US, Canada, UK, etc., students need to notify their counselors of the admission decision. We also encourage students to thank the teachers and counselors who put in a lot of time supporting students with recommendations.

This can be an anxious time for students with decisions arriving and preparing for exams. If you student faces an admission denial or waitlist, it’s important to stress to that this decision is rarely a reflection of the student.

Visit our December blog post on this very topic: “What your college applications don’t tell you” and our most recent post about how to handle “The College Waitlist”

One university put it best recently sharing, “…please keep in mind that we had to make fine distinctions among many exceptional candidates. In some school groups, it is possible for applicants with similar academic profiles to receive very different admission decisions. Our decisions are a reflection of the quality and size of the applicant pool within the context of the university’s enrollment goals.”

University Visits

Monday, March 28 at 10:20am, Room 20
Loyola Marymount University

Wednesday, March 30 at 10:20am, Room 203
University of Gloucestershire
Manchester Metropolitan University
Queen’s University Belfast



Athletics News

Derrick Quinet

BISAC Championship Weekend!
Good luck to all our Panther teams who wrap up the local BISAC season with tournaments and meets this weekend! Here are links to the schedules:


BISAC Swimming

BISAC Varsity Boys Softball

BISAC Varsity Girls Softball

BISAC Varsity Badminton

BISAC JV Badminton

BISAC JV Boys Softball

BISAC JV Girls Softball

IASAS Softball Championships, at ISB April 7-9!
ISB is gearing up to host the 33rd and final IASAS Slowpitch Softball Tournament, April 7-9. Plan on being a part of this historic event, and watch our Panthers compete for the championship!



The date for the Season 3 Sports Banquet has been changed. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 26, from 5:30 in Rajendra.

Derrick Quinet
Athletics Director



The High School Choir Program
Anthony Giles

On Wednesday March 30th at 6:30 in the Chevron Theatre The ISB High School Choir program presents a look at Choral music through the ages. The concert starts in Greek times With Seikilos Epitaph, the oldest surviving complete musical composition from anywhere in the world. As the concert continues we travel through  Medieval,  Renaissance  Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern eras ending with “Baba Yetu” the song that won a grammy for best video game score for the game Civilisation IV. Please join us as we celebrate humanity on this uplifting and educational journey through time.




IB Visual Art Show
Anthony Giles

The IB Diploma Visual Arts class of 2016 cordially invites you to attend their Diploma Visual Arts exhibition (with IB Film) in the ISB Main Library, from March 30 – April 21. This dynamic exhibition showcases artworks produced by artists  Grace Currie, Calvin Dawe, Nikki Glucksman, Lacey English, Alif Haidar, Kacee Jones, Julie Kim, Marina Laprade, Ji Min Lee, Esther Lim, Rino Naito, Marsha Niemeijer, Matt Sanford, Jennifer Yoo, and Nakita Zaffar-Giles. In celebrating the achievement of these amazing artists, please leave your positive comments by scanning the QR codes displayed around the exhibition and writing a post on the class blog.


Make a bid and change a child’s life
Wendy VanBramer

The After The Wave Faculty Art Show Benefit Auction has been extended for a few more days. Stop by the CCT Gallery to see the artwork live or shop online at ATW Art Work Benefit Auction. Easily bid by adding your bid amount in a comment. All bids must be received at the Facebook site by 12:00 noon on Thursday, March 31 to be considered. All proceeds go to support the After The Wave, Foundation Thailand.



eNewsletter Guidelines
Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings

The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

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