(Repeat Announcement) Upcoming Parent Sessions

by Dennis Harter

In the coming weeks and month, there will be several of parent sessions specifically targeted for certain purposes, so please be on the lookout for these.

MS Principal’s Forum

Our next Middle School Principal’s Forum will take place on March 29th, 9-11 AM. MS PTA reps will communicate with parents about submitting concerns or questions to be addressed on that day. Please be on the lookout for that communication from them.

Growing our Culture of Care

Throughout the school, we are invested in the social and emotional development of our students. More and more, this is becoming the focus of schools as they prepare young people for success, not just academically, but in life. Once thought of as “soft skills,” in fact, resilience, empathy, collaboration, communication, and responsibility are fundamental to both academic success and long-term happiness. In the coming year, the ISB Middle School will be implementing an Advisory program, which will focus on kids feeling cared for (important if we expect them to learn) and social and emotional development. This semester we are preparing for this implementation, including training, curriculum development, and scheduling. At a future PTA meeting, we will share some of the tenets of the program, along with our hopes for how the students’ experiences will be impacted.

What’s the IB Program?

In grades 11 & 12, students may elect to take courses within or the full IB Diploma Program. That is a long way off for our MS students, but there are still some elements of the program worth knowing even during middle school. In April (date to be determined) we will provide general information sessions for parents on what the program entails, what options there are for students down the road, and what students could or should be doing in the years leading up to grade 11 (as well as the things they don’t need to worry about).

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