ISB Communication Single Page View

Heat Related Illnesses….Important information for the Hot Season!

by Sally Plomley, ISB Health Coordinator
Rick Nelson, ISB Safety Manager

According to the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, 2015 was the planet’s hottest for average temperature since records began in 1880. January has started equally hot and just set another record. In a report of 3,116 cities, put out by AccuWeather, in 2015 Bangkok registered on average 1.6 C. (2.9 F. ) degrees warmer than average. These facts and trends compel the school and community to better understand the real dangers and consequences of heat and heat illness, especially as we enter the “Hot Season” for Thailand. Last year ISB ramped up its efforts to educate and promote prevention steps to avoid the consequences of heat illness. The following message includes information shared last year by Sonja Roback (ISB Nurse Consultant 2015-16).

Heat related illnesses include a range of conditions including heat rash, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and most serious, heat stroke, which can be a life-threatening condition. These conditions are caused by a combination of high temperatures, fluid loss and a loss of salts in the body. In Thailand, we have ample exposure to high temperatures and humidity but this acclimatization does not equal immunity to heat illness.

We want to give you information on early warning signs, which indicate that the body is having difficulty cooling itself. Preparation and planning for high temperatures and humidity, paired with early recognition of symptoms, are important steps in keeping you and your family safe.

In Bangkok we participate in many activities held outside. These activities occur year round, and temperatures and humidity at this time of year begin to climb into high risk zones. According to the American National Federation of High School Associations, “exertional heat stroke is the leading cause of preventable death in high school athletics.” This highlights the importance for people to be aware of prevention strategies, and know how to respond when someone exhibits signs of the body having difficulty cooling itself.

Normal Heat Response Versus Heat Illness

The body’s normal response to heat and humidity is sweating. As temperatures and humidity increase, and if activity is strenuous such as in exercise or athletic events, sweating alone may not be adequate to sufficiently cool the body. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights certain groups of people who are at higher risk of developing heat illness including the elderly, infants and children younger than 4, people with chronic or recent illness or on certain medications. Become familiar with the symptoms of heat illness below.

Signs and symptoms of heat-related illness:

  • Heat Rash: small, red bumps on skin, itching, discomfort, “prickly” type of pain
  • Heat Cramps: earliest sign of heat illness, painful, involuntary spasm of muscles
  • Heat Exhaustion: heavy sweating, rapid pulse, fatigue, weakness, cold, clammy skin, pale appearance, nausea or vomiting
  • Heat Stroke: confusion, high body temperature, skin is hot, red, moist or dry, strong and rapid pulse, loss of consciousness


Heat Cramps:

  • Move to cool place and rest.
  • Give sips of fluids, ideally fluids containing electrolytes and carbohydrates.
  • Lightly stretch and massage the muscle.
  • If the cramps stop, you can recommence the activity as long as there are no other symptoms of heat related illness.
  • Encourage the person to continue drinking fluids.

Heat Exhaustion:

  • Move to cool environment with circulating air (ideally into air conditioning).
  • Loosen or remove clothing if possible.
  • Apply cool, wet cloths to skin.
  • Fan the person.
  • If responsive and able to swallow give cool electrolyte and carbohydrate containing fluids in sips.
  • If no improvement or there is a change in conscious state or iis unable to take fluids or vomits, call for an ambulance whilst continuing to cool.
  • Person should wait several hours after recovering before resuming activity.

Heat Stroke:

  • This is a medical emergency! Call for an ambulance immediately.
  • If possible, move to cool environment with circulating air (ideally into air conditioning).
  • Rapidly cool the person by placing ice water soaked towels over the person and rotating them frequently.
  • Do not give fluids.


Prevention is important in preventing this potentially life threatening condition.

The CDC recommends the following:

  • Wear sun protection
  • Wear clothing that is light in color and fits loosely
  • Drink plenty of fluids. It is important to be adequately hydrated before starting any activities where you are exposed to heat and humidity. For most exercising athletes, water is appropriate and sufficient though electrolyte drinks may be advisable for some, especially with increased exertion and duration. Avoid caffeine, energy drinks and alcohol.
  • Time activities to avoid intense heat and direct sun
  • Break up time in the heat with time in cool, air-conditioned buildings
  • Pay attention to the weather forecast and heat advisory warnings

Remember: The most important action in staying safe in the heat is prevention followed by early recognition of heat illness symptoms

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, State of the Climate: Global Analysis for Annual 2015, published online January 2016, retrieved on February 25, 2016 from












Save the date: The gift of Blood is the gift of Life!

by Sally PLOMLEY

ISB will be hosting the Thai Red Cross on May 2 for a blood drive from 9am-3pm.
The Thai Red Cross are constantly running low on all blood types and would like as many donors as possible. The blood that is donated will be used by the Red Cross for potentially life saving blood, plasma and platelet transfusions.
May 2 is the May Day substitute holiday so many “workers” will be on holidays that day…..please consider giving up some time to donate.
Further details will be published in the next few weeks including how to sign up to donate and information on a Negative Blood Group Database and joining the Stem Cell Donor Registry.











Board of Trustees Annual Election, 2016

by Joy Davy

The ISB Board of Trustees would like to announce its annual election, which will take place on Tuesday, May 17, 2016, the day of the International School Association (ISA) Annual General Meeting. (The ISA is comprised of all ISB parents and guardians and is the license holder of ISB.) Election results will be announced that evening at the 7:00 pm AGM. Board nominations open on Friday, March 18 and close on Friday, April 8.

The ISB Board of Trustees is currently composed of eleven elected positions and up to four appointed positions. This year there will be three open seats on the Board to be filled by election. Newly elected trustees will serve a two-year term, beginning August 1, 2016.

Candidates for the Board of Trustees (BOT) should be aware of the many rewards and responsibilities of serving on the Board. The Board is the guardian of the school’s mission, and as such sets policy, focuses on school governance and addresses long-term, strategic issues. The Board is not involved in day-to-day school management. The full Board meets once a month in an open regular session, followed by a closed executive session. Board meetings occur in the evenings at ISB and last approximately two-three hours. In addition, trustees attend an annual retreat in August.

Trustees also serve on one or more committees corresponding to their skills and interests. Current committees are the Business Committee, the Committee on Trustees, and the Strategic Improvement and Learning Committee. Committees meet once a month for one-two hours and are the working groups of the Board. Subjects such as financial stability, budget oversight, stewardship of ISB’s educational program, evaluation and training of the Board, and future strategic improvements in alignment with the mission of ISB, are examples of issues addressed by the committees.

Trustees are charged with the responsibility to represent ISB and the ISA as a whole, rather than any one constituency within the community. No specific professional or personal background is needed, other than ISA membership, a positive attitude, the ability to commit to the time requirements, and a deep interest to maintain and further enhance the excellence of ISB. The rewards of Board service include the opportunity to interact with our dynamic school leadership team, and the opportunity to understand and help shape ISB’s future growth and direction.

Please note these important election dates and activities:

• Friday, March 18, 2016, 12 noon – Nominations open – Nomination forms will be available at the Head of School’s office or available for download here:

• Date change: Tuesday, April 5, 2016, 6:30 pm, MPB3 – “What is a Trustee?” This is an information session on what it means to be a Trustee. All interested parties and community members are welcome. Please note the date change.

• Friday, April 8, 2016, 12 noon – Nominations close – Nomination forms must be submitted in both electronic and hard copy by this deadline. Electronic copies must be sent to BOT secretary (with your name as the subject) and hard copies must be filed with Khun Oor in the Head of School’s office.

• Date and location change: Tuesday, May 3, 2016, 6:30 pm, MS Skybox – “Meet the Candidates Night” This is an opportunity for ISA members to meet the candidates, ask questions and hear what they have to say regarding their candidacies. Please note new date and location.

• Tuesday, May 17, 2016 – Election, 7:00 am – 6:00 pm & AGM, 7:00 pm

Please contact Elizabeth Bredin, Chair, Committee on Trustees, with questions regarding service to the Board: 095-475-2364 or

Committee on Trustees:
Elizabeth Bredin
Sumiter Broca
John Heinecke
Nisha Westerman

ISB Board of Trustees



Spirit Night – This Friday, March 18th!!

by Derrick QUINET

It’s the third and final Spirit Night at ISB, and this one caters to the whole community. Come join us for a carnival-like atmosphere, with games, prizes, food and fun for the whole family. The ISB Staff will challenge the ISB varsity softball teams, the JV Boys Badminton team will face off against the Varsity Girls, the track & field team will have a spirited exhibition, and you can catch our Varsity Water Polo team in action against BPS, plus much much more! The Varsity Golf Team will run a chipping contest with prizes for all ages! Shoshana, Subway, and a host of delicious snack providers will keep everyone happy. Don’t miss out! Check the Spirit Night Schedule for details!

2016 Black & Gold Day









Spirit Tent Volunteers needed!

by Lynn Jones

Season 3 Spirit Night is Friday, March 18th.  There will be lots going on with softball, badminton and waterpolo games, golf challenges, track & field events,  food and prizes.   Wear your black and gold and come for the fun.

The  Spirit Tent will be open from 3 – 7 pm.  Please sign up for a shift or two and bring your friends! The Volunteer sign up document can be found at the link below:

Black Gold









Scouts Activity Day

by Radha

Please join us for our Annual Scouts Activity Day this Saturday, March 19 from 9:00 -11:30am at ISB on E-Field. Please see the attached agenda. Following our activities, we will have a Pot-luck lunch from 11:30 -12:30pm in the ES-Cafeteria. If you have any questions, please contact Radha at 087-113-7357.

Scout Activity Day Agenda_March 19, 2016



by Bob Connor

Our community Baseball & Softball Association, with the support of ISB/CAO, will host this year’s Southeast Asia Youth Baseball & Softball Tournament, mainly on ISB fields on Wednesday-Saturday, March 23-26. There will be a total of 22 participating teams from Bangkok, Jakarta, Manila, Perth & Singapore; competing in five divisions/categories: Minors Boys Baseball, Majors Boys Baseball, Seniors Boys Baseball, Majors Girls Fastpitch Softball, & Senior Girls Fastpitch Softball. (Game schedule attached)

A number of ISB students are playing in the games, and our teams welcome all spectators to enjoy the exciting action on the fields!

All tournament information can be found on our school website at this link:

We hope to see you out at the fields cheering on our Bangkok teams. PLAY BALL!

SEAYBST 2016 Schedule – Fields

After the Wave Faculty Recital and Art Show Benefit – March 23rd

Anthony Giles

Announcing the After the Wave Faculty Recital and Art Show Benefit
scheduled for March 23, 2016 in the CCT. The Faculty Art Show and Silent Auction begin at 6:00pm in the CCT Gallery with the Faculty Recital starting at 6:30pm in the CCT. Tickets will be on sale daily during MS and HS lunch breaks in the main cafeteria and in front of the business office before and after school starting this Wednesday, March 16. All proceeds go to the After the Wave Foundation in support of ISB’s long term commitment to the R-35 School following the 2004 Tsunami. Hope to see you there.










Join us in The Circle of Life!

Anthony Giles

JOIN US IN THE CIRCLE OF LIFE! Announcing ISB Summer School’s 5th annual Panther Musical Theatre Camp featuring music from The Lion King. As in years past, high school students with a passion for musical theatre (see Mr. Giles by March 25) will serve as camp counselors for the incoming grade 4 through grade 8 campers. The camp itself will run for one week only, June 13-17, with a public performance at 11:00am on Friday, June 17. Past productions have included School House Rock, Guys and Dolls, and Hairspray. Applications can be found here or by contacting







Annual Staff Appreciation Lunch

by Abbie Boudreaux

March 30, 2016

10:00 am-1:00 pm

The ISB staff has been working hard all year to make this school a great place for our kids to learn. To show our appreciation , the PTA hosts an annual “Staff Appreciation  Lunch” with food prepared and served by parent volunteers.

This year the lunch will be held, Wednesday, March 30, 2016. We need an abundance of food to feed over 550 hungry ISB employees (teachers, administrators, nurses and all support staff). Several food dishes are needed from all families to make this event a success….I really need your help! You can sign up for desserts, salads ,meat platters, appetizers or your own country specialty.

Sign up here and email form to

Please keep in mind a few guidelines:

1. Each dish should serve 12 people.

2.Dishes should be delivered between 9:00am and 9:30am on Wednesday, March 30th.

3.Dishes should be delivered in reusable containers with the owners name on it, teachers name and classroom number.

4. Please keep in mind that all dishes will be served at room temperature.



Welcome Wai Coffee on Friday, April 1st. Venue – Vapour Restaurant. From 9.30- 11.30 a. m

by:  Inderbir Broca and Sraboni Pal

ISB PTA Welcome Wai would like to invite all ISB parents, new  and returning, for Coffee on Friday April 1st.

Venue:  Vapour Restaurant  of the N1 N2 Condominium inside Nichada. Time 9.30 –11.30 am

Please come and connect with other parents and get tips on settling down in Thailand.

We specially encourage you to come if you have little ones still at home, bring them along and let them enjoy the play area of Vapour restaurant, while you listen to ES Counselors and have your questions answered by Dr. Wasu, a pediatrician from Samitivej hospital.

All this and more  in the wonderful breezy ambience of our very own lakeside restaurant in the middle of the Nichada lake. Watch this space for further information.

All parents are welcome to this event  hosted by ISB PTA.

If you have any questions please contact Inderbir Broca or Sraboni Pal at


Get your goggles, bike and running shoes ready!

by Kevin Sypolt

The 17th Annual Colgate Kids Triathlon is just around the corner.   The race will take place on Coronation Day, Thursday May 5th (ISB holiday) at 7:30AM starting at the two ISB pools.

It’s shaping up to be an incredible event!  Again this year the triathletes will receive timing chips to wear around their ankles for accurate time and distance recording.  The Relay Race will again allow relay teams in each age division (based upon the oldest participant in the relay team), so athletes can form teams of three people to participate together.  One of the relay team members can be a teacher or other adult this year.

The distances this year will be:

•  5-6:  50m swim, 1 km bike, 450m run
• 7-8: 100m swim, 2.5 km bike, 800m run
• 9-10:  150m swim, 4.5 km bike, 1.2 km run
• 11-12: 200m swim, 4.5 km bike, 1.7 km run
• 13-14: 250m swim, 6.8 km bike, 2.4 km run
• 15+ : 350m swim, 9.1 km bike, 3.1 km run

Registration and other information will follow in the few weeks.  But please mark your calendar with this year’s triathlon date.  Please note that all participants must provide their own bike and bike helmet.

Please contact me if you have any questions.


Kevin M. Sypolt






IASAS Softball Hosts Needed: Register to Host – IASAS Softball

by Derrick QUINET


ISB will host the 33rd IASAS Softball Tournament, April 7-11, and we need help from our community. We are short of hosts and homes for the visiting athletes. ISB is famous for its hospitality and tournaments, and this is a great way to meet like-minded student-athletes from across Asia and support our program. Please follow the link below to register to host visiting softball athletes during IASAS, April 7-11. We appreciate your support!



Yoga for Freedom

by Kerstin Gmail



Last Saturday, 12th March, we started at 7:30am the “Yoga for Freedom” session in MPB Room. We are so grateful for all supports for this Event. Either by buying T-Shirts made especially for Yoga for Freedom or by giving generous donation or by starting last Saturday morning with this Event and create such a marvelous, peaceful environment. Parents, kids, students, teacher, we all together practiced Yoga, increased energy and awaken awareness to create inner peace, love and freedom, to voice that violence in any kind has to stop.

Altogether, we raised THB 39,170.00 for ZOE Organization – ZOE Children Home – in Chiangmai,

We feel big gratitude to ISB-Nichada-Community, ISB Team, Traffic Jam Club ISB, all ISB families and ISB Yoga Community.

Thanks again for all your supports and to make it happen, to help rescue children and give them a new life.

YFF - jpg-crop

yoga pix









Unfortunately some yogis already left before we could take a picture of all


ISB Online Re-Enrollment

by Chad Bates

We are at that time of the year when we begin the re-enrollment process for the 2016-17 school year. Please complete the re-enrollment survey before Friday 18th March.  To fill out the survey, login to Powerschool and click the ‘Re-Enrollment’ button (left side menu). Even if you are leaving or are unsure if you are leaving ISB at the end of the year, we request that you still login and complete the form.

If you have questions about this process, please contact
If you have technical difficulties or are unable to login please email


Host families needed for ISB’s Thai Scholarship Program

by Dr. Andrew Davies
Head of School

Dear ISB Parents,

ISB offers a Thai Scholarship Program which is designed for highly capable Thai students whose families have a demonstrated financial need.

We are now looking for volunteers to provide housing for two Thai Scholarship students (females) who will be entering Grade 11 for our 2016/17 school year. Ideally we are seeking two different host families that:

  • Live close to ISB
  • Speak English at home
  • Have a spare bedroom
  • Have a HS child
  • Would enjoy the experience of housing a scholarship student

Host families would be expected to provide food, lodging and some incidental expenses. The ISB Scholarship Fund would take care of uniforms, cafeteria meals, school trips, some clothes, school supplies, certain other incidentals and transportation costs home for holidays.

If you are interested in volunteering to host one of these students, please complete the Host Family Expression of Interest Form by clicking on this link by March 31, 2016. If you should have any questions, please contact our Scholarship Program Coordinator, Mr. Tony Arnold at

All families who submit an Interest Form will be contacted to arrange an appointment for an interview.


eNewsletter Guidelines

by Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. Please see our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families and ISB staff for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information
• An image or photo (optional)

Where to submit your announcement
 is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

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