Partnering in Learning

by Dennis Harter

We have had a terrific two days of Parent-Teacher-Student-involved conferences. Our turn out was terrific, which is a testament to the partnership we share in caring about the learning growth of your child. We hope that you learned about your child’s strengths alongside their areas for growth. For teachers, these days have provided them a chance to further communicate how they know your child as a learner and what our optimistic hopes are for their improvement.

Like so much of our school, we look at what we do and determine what we can do better. If you have some positive feedback for us around the Parent-Teacher conference, or suggestions for improvement based on previous experiences, please share them with us, using this optional survey/data catcher (it’s literally a place for you to submit feedback).

Again, we hope you found the Parent-Teacher conferences welcoming, informative and helpful. Thanks for being a part of your child’s learning growth.

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