Parent Book Club Opportunity for Parents of 8th Graders

There have now become open a few spots for a parent book club. This was originally open to high school parents but has now been extended to parents who have 8th graders. This may be a great way to have discussions with parents who have students in the high school as you look ahead to transition next year. Please note that you should sign up immediately if interested and pick up the book early next week. The first session is next Wednesday, March 16th. Following is the original announcement to HS parents:

Parent Book Club

There will be a book club that will be offered to High School Parents starting in March. The book of focus will be Flourish by Dr. Martin Seligman. The book and our sessions will consider how both the participant and their student can find ways to positively flourish in life. Here is an overview of this book based upon a positive psychology approach:

Here are details of the club:

Sign up: First 20 parents that sign up (20 parents max)

Sign up Location: Learning Design Center – 3rd floor of library.

Sign Up Contact: Kuhn Didi –

Book Order: The books for the club have been ordered.

Cost: 500 Baht

Session Dates: March: 16, 23, (29), April:6, 20, 27 (all Wednesdays except Tuesday March 29)

Session time: 11:30 – 12:30 (Location TBD)

Facilitators: Kevin Davy (HS Counselor) & Jacqui Brelsford (Counseling Intern)

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