IFF Parade 2016

​Dear ​ISB ​Community,

​As you may know the the IFF ​(Int’l Family Fair) ​is the main intercultural event at school and it is drawing closer, on Saturday, Feb 27th , from 4:00 to 7:00 pm at ISB.

The Country Parade will officially open this PTA event at school and we would like to have as many countries and nationalities as possible represented here as a symbol of our global citizenship and international community spirit.

Please let us know if you would like your child or friend of your child ​or you ​to be the flag bearer for the parade — carrying the flag of your country with the sash across their chest — all ​provided by the PTA​.

Please send us your confirmations by e-mail asap. Name of flag-bearer, name of parent in charge, phone number. If you would like to participate. Everyone is welcome to parade.

​More details to come.​.. Please get involved, have fun, represent your country, spread the international energy throughout on the day.

​Gabriela (gabilux1969@gmail.com) and Sanja (sanja_stanley@hotmail.com)

​IFF Parade Coordinators


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