Upcoming Class Trips

by Dennis Harter


Our school community is excited and looking forward to our upcoming class trips. You will have received communication from our trip leaders and your children should know all about what they need to bring and what the trip will be like. We understand that for many parents, this time away from your children can be difficult and cause for worry. Please know that we take the responsibility of their care very seriously and we have your children’s safety and happiness at the front of our minds throughout the trip. That said, we hope that students will use these opportunities to stretch their comfort zones, take risks within the safe structure we provide, learn new things and make new connections and friends.

Part of their developing independence starts with safe opportunities like this, to leave the home and family, knowing they are safe and cared for. Please allow them to be a little “uncomfortable” and develop their independence and self-reliance, by refraining from calling or texting your children too frequently (or at all, if you can), unless it’s an emergency. Even in emergencies it is usually best to contact the school or the lead teacher so that we can be part of helping your child.

Your children will grow from these experiences and we know that they will have a wonderful time.

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