ISB Communication Single Page View

Dengue Fever

by Sally PLOMLEY

Dengue Fever

In Thailand we are currently experiencing a major outbreak of Dengue Fever. It is important that we limit potential exposure to the virus as well as recognise the symptoms of this potentially fatal disease.
Limiting exposure to mosquitoes is important in disease prevention. Limit areas for mosquito breeding such as stagnant water around the house. The mosquitos that spread Dengue Fever can bite any time (even the middle of the day) so use of insect repellants/long sleeved clothing where possible is important. Limit mosquitoes in the home using screens, mosquito coils and electrical devices. Keeping air conditioning on can also limit mosquito activity in the home.

Dengue fever is an infection caused by dengue viruses (4 different types).
It is common with an estimated 100 million people infected with the virus every year.
Dengue virus is transmitted by a bite from infected mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus).


Symptoms usually start 3 to 14 days (usually 4 to 7 days) after the mosquito bite.

The disease has a sudden onset and symptoms may include:
● fever for 3 to 7 days
● intense headache and pain behind the eyes
● muscle and joint pain
● loss of appetite
● vomiting and diarrhoea
● skin rash
● bleeding, usually from the nose or gums.

Recovery is sometimes associated with prolonged fatigue and depression.
Repeated episodes of dengue fever may result in excessive bleeding and shock but, with appropriate treatment, are rarely fatal.
Diagnosis of dengue fever is made by clinical presentation and a blood test.


A mosquito becomes infected if it bites an infected person while the fever is present (an average period of about 3 to 5 days).
After biting an infected person it takes 4 to 10 days before the mosquito can infect other people.
The mosquito remains infective for life.
Dengue fever is not directly spread from person-to-person. It can be spread by person-mosquito-person spread.


There is no specific antiviral treatment available.
General recommendations include controlling fever and pain with paracetamol/acetaminophen rather than aspirin/Ibuprofen/Naproxen (may promote bleeding), and increasing fluid intake. Aspirin should not be given to children under 12 years of age unless specifically recommended by a doctor.
Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever is a complication of Dengue Fever in some people. It usually presents as the fever is subsiding.
Return IMMEDIATELY to see a doctor if any of the following warning signs appear:

● Severe abdominal pain or persistent vomiting
● Red spots or patches on the skin
● Bleeding from nose or gums
● Vomiting blood
● Black, tarry stools
● Drowsiness or irritability
● Pale, cold, or clammy skin
● Difficulty breathing


● Exclusion from school or work is usually not necessary but people experiencing fever from dengue infection should not be in an environment where they may be bitten by mosquitoes. If this is not possible they should stay at home until they have no fever and are therefore no longer infectious (usually 3 to 5 days).
● A vaccine is being developed against Dengue Fever. It provides a varying level of immunity to the 4 different strains. It has been approved for use in some countries in 2016. It is currently not available for use in Thailand (and there is no information available about when it will be available). It is expected that it will only be available to people who have previously had Dengue Fever when it released (due to the fact there will be limited supply and you get sicker with Dengue Fever with subsequent infections)
● Personal protection and the environmental management of mosquitoes are important in preventing illness.
● Prevent access of mosquitoes to an infected person with a fever.

ISB is committed to your child’s overall development, both educationally and health related. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your healthcare provider or the ISB Health Clinic (







by Derrick QUINET

ISB hosts the IASAS Tennis Tournament this week. Check the tournament schedule and come support our Panthers. We have grandstands on-court for an enhanced viewing experience, so join the crowds and cheer on our teams! IASAS TENNIS SCHEDULE

Follow all of the IASAS tournaments live, with streaming, updates, blogs, and photos at these sites: – IASAS TENNIS – IASAS SWIMMING – IASAS RUGBY & TOUCH – IASAS BASKETBALL


IASAS Tennis Poster 2016










by Bob Connor

Attention all community tennis players:

All of our twelve tennis courts at ISB will be reserved for the IASAS Tennis Tournament on Thur.-Fri.-Sat., Jan. 28-29-30.

We appreciate your understanding, and hope that you will come out to watch some great tennis in support of our ISB Varsity teams.


No PTA Popcorn Sale this Friday

by Kevin M. Sypolt

Due to the Chinese New Year buffet in the High School/Middle School cafeteria on Friday, Jan 29th – there will be no PTA popcorn sale this week.

PTA popcorn sales will return next Friday, Feb 5th from 9:00am to 1:00pm.


Kevin M. Sypolt


Adult Education Program Spring 2016 – Coming soon!

by PTA ISB Adult Education Coordinator

Adult Education Program Spring 2016 – Coming soon!

The PTA Adult Education Program provides a variety of classes for all adults in our Community.​

Mark your calendars!​

​ ​​A detailed class list will be available in the first week of February​, Online

Registration will be open from February 8th to February 18th and Classes will run from February 29th to May 4th.​ ​

This is your chance to meet some new friends while learning a new skill or just refreshing an old one. Please do not hesitate to contact me​ for further information.

​Thank you,

Gabriela Alvarez Fourcade

AEP flyer Spring 2016







The Challenge of Mother Tongue Maintenance in International Schools

by  Pascale Kervyn

You are warmly invited to participate to a workshop by Paul Dufficy, ISB’s mother tongue coordinator, on Wednesday February 10, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in MPB2.

In this interactive workshop we will look at a range of issues related to maintaining our children’s mother tongue. Many of these issues are complex and easy solutions are not always possible. However, parents (and teachers) have an important voice in this, and we might be able to work together to develop a vision of possible mother tongue futures here at ISB.

Contact: Paul Dufficy,,  Pascale Kervyn,


Major League Baseball (MLB) clinics at ISB – Monday, Feb 1st and Tuesday, Feb 2nd

by Kevin Sypolt

Next Monday (Feb 1st) and Tuesday (Feb 2nd) we have a unique opportunity for BBSA players. Two Major League Baseball (MLB) coaches will be at ISB to conduct baseball clinics for the various age groups. Please see the attached schedule.

No reservation is needed. Just show up at the appropriate time and field location per the schedule. Be sure to bring a hat and your fielding glove.

This is a great opportunity for BBSA players to spend some time with coaches who train professional baseball players for a living. The BBSA board is very grateful that the Baseball Federation of Thailand have invited these professionals to Thailand and are making them available to BBSA for two days.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Kevin Sypolt
On behalf of your hard working BBSA Board

BBSA MLB Coaches 2016 Feb 1-2 Schedule


Visiting Author Linda Sue Park

by Nat Whitman

Award winning elementary and middle school author Linda Sue Park, will visit ISB February 1-4.   Please take advantage of the following parent-focused opportunities to meet with this talented writer!

  • Parent Workshop: MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER: Your Child and Books. Created especially for ISB, this workshop is open to ES and MS parent at ISB.  Don’t miss it! Thursday the 4th at 7:30. ES MPR.
  • A Long Walk to Water book discussion open to people in the ISB community who have read the book. Wednesday, February 3 @ 2:15 in the ES HUB. Please sign up in the ES HUB
  • A Single Shard book discussion open to people in the ISB community who have read the book.  Thursday, February 4 @ 2:15 in the ES HUB.  Please sign up in the ES HUB.
  • Meet the author and book signing on February 4, 11:00- 2:00 in the ES HUB

Event Flyer can be found here!

More about Linda Sue Park here!


​Soccer Courses for all ages at ISB

by Bangkok Soccer School








Monday courses

4pm – 5pm: Players born in 2009/10/11

5pm – 6.15pm: Players born in 2007/8

5pm – 6.15pm: Players born in 2005/6

6.15pm – 7.30pm: Players born in 2003/2/1


4pm – 5pm: Players born in 2009/10/11

5pm – 6.15pm: Players born in 2007/8

5pm – 6.15pm: Players born in 2005/6

Wednesday courses

5pm – 6.15pm: Players born in 2007/8

5pm – 6.15pm: Players born in 2003/4

Thursday courses

5pm – 6.15pm: Players born in 2005/6

5pm – 6.15pm: Players born in 2003/4

All training to be held on Field

​ ​D(astroturf Pitch)

Players of all ability levels are able to join and girls are welcome to join any session.

For anyone wanting to enroll please note that the course fee will be 7,200THB (running for 16 weeks).

Where applicable players can join 2 or 3 sessions and the second and third courses are half price (4,050THB).

50% discount for the third child from the same family




Session day and time:

Childs name:

Childs date of birth:

Mothers mobile number:

Fathers Mobile number:
Payment can be made directly to Bangkok Soccer Schools us at the first session.

We hope to see you all soon.

Best regards,
Bangkok Soccer


Stuart Welham
Bangkok Soccer Schools
3rd Floor, Crystal Football Club
18 Soi Praditmanutum 19
Praditmanutum Road
Ladprao, Bangkok, 10230

Telephone: 02 149 4647
Fax: 02 149 4648

Please visit our website for further information:

ISB Soccer Courses


Panther Tennis Session 3

by Panther Tennis

Dear Parents,

Registration for the Panther Tennis session 3 are now open to all the ISB students. The session will commence from February 8th, 2016.

The registration link is as follows  PANTHER TENNIS SESSION 3

For session 3 schedule and price, please click HERE


Late bus services – February 8th to February 12th

by Suthida (Pu) JIRAVICHAI

Please be informed that from February 8th to February 12th we will not have the 5:00 pm and 4:30 pm late bus.

We will have the regular 2:15 pm bus and will have the 3:30 pm bus.



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