From Laurie Tyre – Booster Club President –

What is Booster Club? We are the parent volunteer organization that is primarily responsible for the assistance and support of the IASAS cultural and athletic activities. This includes the promotion and support of ISB Athletics, the Fine & Performing Arts and Academics by encouraging school spirit, sponsoring Booster Club special events, and developing funding methods that support the activities of the club. The following are just a few of the things Booster specifically support:

• Banquets for all three season of Athletics, MUN and CC.
• Provide food for the Coaches Hospitality Room at all home IASAS
• Pre-IASAS BBQ for all Varsity Athletes
• Receptions and food during rehearsals for CC events, as well as FAP events.
• IASAS bags for all IASAS participants in Athletics, CC, Academics and MUN.
• Special towels/gifts for all IASAS participants in Athletics, CC, Academics and MUN.
• ES and MS receptions for plays and choral events
• And a great deal more

To be able to do all this we need you to volunteer your time and talents to our fundraising projects such as the Spirit Tent. It really is fun and a great way to meet people in your community as well as from other schools! Contact me with questions about getting connected.

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