(Repeat) Girl Scout Sock Hop Jan. 30

Mother Daughter Sock hop poster

Tickets are on sale now for the Mother Daughter Sock Hop, sponsored by the Girl Scouts. Dress up in your best poodle skirt, wrap a 50s scarf around your neck, and help us raise money for the Maharaj Boys Home. The dance will be from 5 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 30, in the ISB multi-purpose building. Tickets are on sale in the elementary school breezeway before and after school and can also be purchased from the CAO office. Tickets are 700 baht per person or 2,400 baht for a family (mother and three or more daughters). We are also sponsoring a shoe drive for the boys. Please drop soccer shoes or other athletic shoes for boys ages 4 and older in our donation box located at the front of the school.

About Tina

ES secretary
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