High School Counseling Newsletter

Andrew Weiser

We encourage all parents to review a recent report from the Harvard Graduate School of Education entitled, “Turning the Tide Inspiring Concern for Others and the Common Good through College Admissions” which provides valuable advice for parents.

See a short video summary here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_DmiWVV5Hk and access the executive summary here: https://mcc.gse.harvard.edu/files/gse-mcc/files/20160120_mcc_ttt_execsummary_interactive.pdf?m=1453303460

Grade 9
Our Freshman are gradually getting back into the swing of school and establishing routines again. Getting off to a good start is very important to set a good tone for the semester. Starting next week myself and our two interns Ms. Brelsford and Ms. Perkins will start to meet with students to review first semester progress.

Many of the students who know they are transferring have elected to take Chemistry 2 this semester, which will allow many schools to accept a full credit of Chemistry. This may well prevent a student taking a full year Chemistry course in their new school (where they do not offer half credit / half year science courses). If it is the case that your family might be transferring and in this situation, please let me know ASAP as I still might be able to make this change.

In regards to transferring schools, a lot of private schools in the U.S have deadlines during January and February. We have already received several for those who might or are transferring. February 1st is a popular deadline for some schools. If you are looking at a school with this deadline then your family should contact Kuhn Fon our registrar in the counseling office immediately for setting up transfer of documents. In addition, all teachers and counselors should be informed of any required recommendations immediately, thus providing adequate time for a quality response.

Kuhn Fon contact email: supanniy@isb.ac.th

Counseling Office phone number: 02 963 5887

Grade 10
All schedule changes/adjustments have been completed for the second semester and hopefully your sons and daughters are all set for a productive half-year.  Ask your student how they are organizing their assignments, whether by writing them down or keeping track on a digital calendar: whatever works best for them is fine.  GCW is right around the corner; are your students excited about the trip?  The fourth sophomore seminar is next Thursday, January 28th.  We’ll take the data that students put together on their personal strengths and their personality traits, and talk about how it might help them to choose their classes for grades 11 and 12.  That should provide some good dinner table conversation at home!

Grade 11
On Thursday, January 21, the HS Counselors presented Junior Seminar #3 to Grade 11 students. The goals of the seminar were to provide students with a framework and general information regarding the application process. The same information was provided to parents later that evening during the Junior Parent Night.

By now, Grade 11 parents should have received the Parent Perspective form to complete in preparation for the individual Junior Conference that you will have with your son/daughter’s counselor. If you have not received the Parent Perspective form, please ask your son/daughter or obtain one from the High School Counseling Office.

Grade 12

If a Senior applied to a US university, the counseling office will be sending mid year reports (first semester grades) by the end of the month. Students need to do nothing as we’ll automatically send these. Mark your calendars – Thursday, April 28 is a Parent Transition Meeting. This will be an opportunity to learn more about what to expect as your student prepares to transition to university life.

Upcoming University Visits

Royal Holloway, University of London         Wednesday     January 27       10:20am (Room 203)
King’s College London                                   Wednesday     January 27       10:20am (Room 203)
Regent’s University London                           Thursday         January 28       10:20am (Room 203)

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