The ULTIMATE Job & Maria Run a BIG Success!

by Caryn Macky

Success can’t always be counted, but these numbers have something to say:

1) 240 energetic runners PLUS their cheering families and friends attended the Job & Maria Charity Fun Run this past Friday.

2) 56,585 baht was donated to the Job & Maria Scholarship Fund and the account now has sufficient funds to support all our scholarship students through college.

3) 330: 11 bulletin boards were moved 6 times to 5 locations around the school thanks to Khun Yok and her B&G crew, and Khun Kwang in the activities office. Thank you, 330 times, for helping with the set-up with cheerfulness and grace.

4) 44 enthusiastic volunteers gave generously of their time and skills to ensure the success of the event (see names below). My infinite thanks to this amazing team!

5) 13 deserving Thai students have received scholarships over the years to pursue their dreams. 9 students remain in the program and continue to work hard to reach their academic goals.

6) 10 years + thousands of participants + over a million baht donated = lives changed & dreams brought within reach.

But success is measured in more than numbers. See the post-race bulletin boards at the front of school to see the smiling faces of families, friends, teams, and strangers brought together by a united passion to have a bit of fun, and to DO SOMETHING  to make the world a better place for others.

Karin and Petro Berkhout, Job & Maria’s parents sent us a message on race day. See below.

Petro&Karin Berkhout

My thanks to all who have participated and contributed and supported the Job & Maria Charity Fun Run these past 10 years.

Caryn Macky

Special thanks to our 2016 Volunteer Team below:

Fun Run AMAZING Volunteer Team 2016


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