Back in Full Swing

by Dennis Harter

2016 is here and we are already into full swing with the second semester. Walking the halls and getting into classrooms, we see smiling faces and energized teachers and learners. The students enjoyed restful and wonderful vacations, but are happy to be back at school with their friends and actively engaged again in their learning.

The semester ahead will be eventful, beginning with some of our students participating in the Bangkok ServICE Conference. This conference highlights student contributions to making our communities better places and life better for those around us. We are proud of the community involvement and activism of our students.

In the first week of February, our students head off on their Class Trips. These trips provide students with real, experiential learning in our wonderful host country, Thailand, along with providing them with new challenges, opportunities to take risks and try new things in a structured environment, and a chance to make new friendships with other members of their class. Every year, we hear from students how these trips become among their fondest memories of middle school.

And that’s just the first few weeks of the semester! 2016 is going to be a great year!

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