Tutoring at ISB: An update on current procedures and practices

by Diana Drummond

Last year, initial changes were made to our procedures and practices as they relate to Tutoring of ISB students.  In line with our new Child Safeguarding Policy, additional changes have been made, forming the ISB Tutoring Policy.


The biggest change reflected in this policy is that we will no longer allow tutors on campus who are not vetted through the school and that the hours and locations for tutoring have altered.

Who is able to tutor on ISB campus?

  • ISB Faculty & Staff members

  • ISB Substitute Teachers.

  • Those approved through various ISB programs such as CAO program can provide private lessons (e.g Instrumental Music Program, Gymnastics, Tennis etc.), Mother Tongue program etc.

When can tutoring take place?

  • After school from 3.05 to 5:00 for ISB faculty and staff members

  • After school from 2:15 to 5:00 for non-ISB faculty and staff members

Where can tutoring occur? (Following locations only)

  • Main Library (until 5:00pm)

  • MS/HS Cafeteria

  • ES Learning Hub (until 3:30pm)

  • ES Quads – outdoor spaces

  • Music Practice Rooms booked through Instrumental Music Program (IMP) coordinated by CAO (Only for music lessons)


What has not changed is our commitment to meet the learning needs of students by utilizing various learning support structures in place at school.  Recommendation for tutoring is only considered after in-school learning support structures are exhausted and after consultation with the appropriate counselor and/or the Student Support Team (SST).


Parents who employ tutors do so at their own risk and are strongly advised to conduct interviews, and request recommendations. Parents should also ensure that tutoring occurs in locations approved by ISB where both tutor and child are visible to others (ISB Cafeteria, Main Library, ES Quads and ES Hub).

Parents who have questions about changes to our policy about tutoring ISB students on ISB campus are asked to contact division Vice-Principals/Dean of Students Diana Drummond dianad@isb.ac.th  (ES), Tico Oms ticoo@isb.ac.th  (MS) or Andy Vaughan andyv@isb.ac.th  (HS).

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