Attention All HS & MS Girls Interested in Softball!!

by Bob Connor

We are hosting the annual SEAYBST (Southeast Asia Youth Baseball & Softball Tournament) at ISB on March 23-26, 2016. Participating teams will be from Bangkok/ISB, Singapore, Jakarta, Manila, and Perth. We are now in the process of forming teams for the Bangkok Majors & Seniors Girls Fast-Pitch teams. Tryouts and practices/training will start on Monday & Wednesday, January 18 & 20; from 6:30-8:00pm on field B at ISB.

Age restrictions are as follows:

Girls Majors Softball:  cannot be 15 years old before January 1, 2016

Girls Seniors Softball:  cannot be 19 years old before January 1, 2016

All HS & MS girls interested in trying out for either of these teams should come to the first tryout sessions next week.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Bob Connor                                            Laura Stewart

Community Activities Coordinator      Activities Coordinator, Seniors Head Coach                                       

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