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MS eNews – Friday, December 11th, 2015



We need your help tomorrow, Saturday Dec. 12th starting at 1:30pm to decorate the MPB rooms for the Snowball Social and then at 7:00pm help taking all the decorations down. Please just stop by or let us know if you can come. Thank you, Rosalina or Nisha



MS Student Laptops During the Winter Holidays

Dear Parents,

Please take a few minutes to go through the following recommendations about laptops as we prepare for the end of the semester. Visit the following link for more information:



MS Olympics This Thursday, Dec. 17th

Dear Parents,

You are cordially invited to come spend the day, or part of the day, next Thursday, Dec. 17th and see your child(ren) participating in our MS Olympics! All starts in the Rajendra Hall at 7:20am. Hope to see you there!


Last Day of Semester 1 – Early Dismissal on Friday, Dec. 18th

Just a reminder that all students will be dismissed at 11:30am on Friday, December 18th.



Parent and Student Access to PowerSchool and Semester 1 MS Report Cards

Dear MS Parents and Students,


A reminder that your access to grades and assignments posted in PowerSchool were turned off at 3:00pm on Friday, December 4th until 12:00pm on Friday, December 18th while teachers are finalizing MS semester 1 report cards. You can still access attendance record and student schedule during this time however.

MS Semester 1 Report Cards:

For students leaving ISB end of this semester, you will receive their report card on their last school day as part of their package. For all returning students, you will be able to access and download their semester report card via PowerSchool anytime after 12:00pm on Friday, December 18th.


Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

As many of you will know, we have an outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in our school community. At the moment we are managing to contain the outbreak and have been screening over 100 students a day at the Health Clinic in the past few days. To date, we have no cases in the Middle School. To help keep it this way, we are requesting your help. Due to the nature of our MS schedule and the many interactions that our MS students have within a day, if possible, please take your children’s temperature and look in their mouths and on their hands and feet for blisters each morning. If your child has any fever, or blisters/ulcers in their mouth or on their hands or feet please, do not send them to school and take them to the doctor for review. If a case is confirmed, please notify ISB’s Health Clinic.

In the Health Clinic we will continue to screen students who we know may have been exposed to the virus.

Please find at this link the information sheet regarding Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. We greatly appreciate your assistance in helping control this over the coming week.

Hand foot mouth



The ULTIMATE Job and Maria Charity Fun Run – Friday, Jan. 15th


The ULTIMATE Job and Maria Charity Fun Run will be on Friday, January 15 at 4:30 p.m. on the track. (That is the first Friday back to school after the holiday.)

Job and Maria’s classmates will be graduating from ISB this year, so this will be our last opportunity to race in their memory. (Job and Maria were ISB 1st grade students when the 2004 tsunami hit.) We will run to raise money for scholarships for Thai students. Read a recent letter below from one of our sponsored children.

Parents, children of all ages, and sports teams are welcome to enjoy friendly competition. There will be races for all ages, from the 200 meter Hand-In-Hand race for anyone wanting to race together, to the 1 mile race for Middle and High School Students, and adults. Subway and Twist will be selling, and there will be treats for every participant. Contact Caryn Macky at if you would like to help at the event.

Dear Benefactors,

My name is Banharn, a first year student at Public Health Sirinthorn College, Ubon Ratchatani province, programme public health – dental.

The education grant you have kindly given me is like a lit candle, with its light guiding an upcountry boy like me, letting me see the path of my learning opportunity. No matter how hard one studies, without the opportunity, it would be like a car with no petrol, never reaching the destination. Some people have to give up their education, and little by little, images of their desired destinations just fade away.

I have to consider myself very lucky indeed that you have kindly given me this opportunity. Not many people have it. The education grant is also a reminder to study hard for my own future and my family. To younger children, I will be a good example of the country’s young generation.

I am most grateful for your kindness in giving me the education grant. I promise I will pay attention to class, and use the grant money wisely for educational purposes.

Yours faithfully,





(Repeat) PTA Meeting in January on Class Trips

by Dennis Harter

When the new semester starts up in January, we will be gearing up for our grade level, Class Trips in the first week of February. All students are expected to participate on these trips. Information has been and will be sent out by the grade level coordinators. We also host a PTA meeting on January 21, 2016 which will allow for presentations on the Class Trips by the grade level advisors. Please hold that date in your calendars so that you can learn more about the experiential learning that will be coming in February.



(Repeat) Upcoming Middle School’s Got Talent Show

Dear Parents,

Instead of a Drama and Dance Assembly this year, we, in the middle School, have decided to run a Middle School’s Got Talent Show. This will take place on Tuesday, Dec 15 and Wednesday Dec 16 in the CCT Theatre. We will run two shows; one for Grade 6 and 7 at 1:00pm on the Tuesday, and the other for Grade 8 and interested parents on the Wednesday at 1:00pm. Auditions for the show have been happening this week and there are some wonderful acts that will be performed in the show, including a couple of dances by the MSDT Dance troupe. This is not a competition, but more a celebration of all the wonderful talent we have in Middle School!



(Repeat) Upcoming MS Olympic Biathlon

This year the M.S. Olympic Biathlon will be held on Monday, 14 December commencing at 1.25p.m. at the 50m (newer) swimming pool. The Biathlon event sees participants swim 200m and then complete a 1.2km run with each participate earning at least 10 points for their Olympic team. Parents are cordially invited to watch their child participate.

MS P.E. team – Peter Johnson, Lien Indigne, Dave Ducharme and Maureen Johnson



(Repeat) Upcoming MS Olympic Mile Runs

This year the M.S. Olympic Mile runs will be held preceding Olympic Day to enable all athletes who wish to participate in this event the opportunity to do so. Entries are being taken this week in P.E. classes.

The Mile run class schedule is as follows:

PE Encore 671 – Monday December 14 at 7:35a.m.

PE Encore 61 – Monday December 14 at 8:35a.m.

PE Encore 672 – Tuesday December 15 at 7:35a.m.

PE Encore 62 – Tuesday December 15 at 8:35a.m.

PE Encore 781 – Wednesday December 16 at 7:35a.m.

PE Encore 81 – Wednesday December 16 at 8:35a.m.

Parents are cordially invited to watch their child participate.

MS P.E. team – Peter Johnson, Lien Indigne, Dave Ducharme and Maureen Johnson


(Repeat) Leaving ISB at the End of the First Semester?

If your child is not returning to ISB after semester 1, please complete the Notice of Withdrawal from ISB Form and email it to Khun Natt at in the MS Office as soon as possible so she can process your child’s school records for their next school.



(Repeat) Learn to Sail During the Holidays 

Click here to see the poster advertisement for more information.


(Repeat) eNewsletter Guidelines

by: Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. Please see our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families and ISB staff for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information
• An image or photo (optional)

Where to submit your announcement
 is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

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