Happy Holidays and a holiday request

by Dennis Harter


As we head into the holiday season, the Middle School admin, faculty and staff want to wish you a peaceful and joyous three weeks, filled with family and friends. It still amazes me that we are already halfway through the school year! Time has flown by, which must mean that we are having a lot of fun in the middle school.

Our students have worked hard over the semester to learn, connect, and collaborate. They, along with their teachers, have earned a few weeks off. Please encourage your children to read for pleasure over the break – plenty of research supports the learning benefits of reading.

Today, our community came together for a wonderful assembly of student performances and I shared with them our hopes for the New Year to continue to foster kindness, resilience, and support for each other. We love our community for these qualities and will continue to build them in the coming year.

I also put forth a request to our MS students and teachers.

Inspired by “Matt” – a young man who has shared viral videos of himself dancing in locations around the globe – I asked our students and teachers to film a 5 second clip of them dancing somewhere in the world, to be compiled and shared in the new year. Any little dance moves are fine, and students will have directions in their email on how to send us the video with the location of where they are.

Watch the “Matt” video, to see what we mean and to get ideas, inspiration for these clips.

Join your child in this clip, invite family members, friends, locals or other tourists. Let’s showcase the world and the travels of our community (even filming in Nichada would be great!).

Have a wonderful holiday! See you in 2016!

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