H.S. Counseling News

Andrew Weiser


Rest and Relaxation!!! – That should be the student’s goal for this holiday break. Read a book for pleasure, sleep in and have fun!!

Alumni Fair  – On January 14, ISB Counselors will host an Alumni Fair in room 203 at 10:20. All parents and students are invited to come talk to former ISB students (Class of 2013-15) who are now at university. You can learn more about their specific university, their transition, experience, advice, etc. Tentatively, ISB alumni in attendance represent universities from the following post ISB experience:

Babson College, USA (GAP Semester)
Barnard College, USA
Boston University, USA
Glion Institute, Switzerland
Scripps College, USA
Tufts University, USA
University of San Diego, USA
University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Vesalius College, Belgium

Grade 11
First and foremost- Rest and Relaxation. But if there’s time Juniors should consider thinking about their Junior Packet and their Self-Recommendation form. You should also ask your son or daughter about the Parent Recommendation, also found in the Junior Packet.

Grade 12
More than 70% of Seniors have submitted applications to university. For those who have applied, ISB has sent requested documents. Please keep in mind that university offices are very busy places managing thousands of applications and application documents. In this high tech world, receiving materials is still not instant. It can take 4-6 weeks for a university to recognize and acknowledge that all application materials have arrived, especially if a student applied very close to the application deadline. Please assume best intent on the part of the ISB counseling office that all materials have been sent correctly. If your Senior has already applied, please ensure all required SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS scores have already been sent directly from the testing.

Upcoming University Visits
Royal Holloway, University of London           January 27

Wishing you all a wonderful and well-deserved holiday!

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