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High School Upcoming events (Please click):



Message from the Principal
Philip Bradley

As our semester comes to a close, and the holiday season approaches HS students are looking forward to a well-deserved break from all the routines and the intensity of school life.

I certainly hope that this holiday allows them to change some of these routines, slow down, spend some quality time with family, relax, indulge themselves and reflect upon what they have learnt about themselves this semester.

On behalf of the High School faculty and administration I wish you all a peaceful and safe break.

Second semester will start on Monday January 11th 2016.

Happy New Year Too!
Philip Bradley




PowerSchool Access and Report Cards
Phil Rogers
PowerSchool access will return for parents and students later on December 18th.  Families with outstanding fees, missing materials, or unresolved payment issues will not be given access until the issue(s) is/are resolved.

In an effort to be more greener and timely we issue report cards through the PowerSchool Quick Lookup page. On the Quicklook Up page use the link at the top right to access a PDF report card for your son/daughter. The report can be saved and filed electronically and or printed.

If there is a report card hold in place, please resolve the issue with the appropriate department and then take the paperwork to the HS Office who can make the necessary changes in Powerschool.




Possible Schedule Changes
Phil Rogers
In general students retain the same schedule for second semester.  In some cases, due to changes in course choice, addition of semester courses, or other factors, a student’s schedule may be slightly different  next semester.  In these cases we do the best we can to keep the same teachers for each student.  Students will be provided with their Semester 2 schedule on the first day of school.



H.S. Counseling News
Andrew Weiser

Rest and Relaxation!!!
– That should be the student’s goal for this holiday break. Read a book for pleasure, sleep in and have fun!!

Alumni Fair  – On January 14, ISB Counselors will host an Alumni Fair in room 203 at 10:20. All parents and students are invited to come talk to former ISB students (Class of 2013-15) who are now at university. You can learn more about their specific university, their transition, experience, advice, etc. Tentatively, ISB alumni in attendance represent universities from the following post ISB experience:

Babson College, USA (GAP Semester)
Barnard College, USA
Boston University, USA
Glion Institute, Switzerland
Scripps College, USA
Tufts University, USA
University of San Diego, USA
University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Vesalius College, Belgium

Grade 11
First and foremost- Rest and Relaxation. But if there’s time Juniors should consider thinking about their Junior Packet and their Self-Recommendation form. You should also ask your son or daughter about the Parent Recommendation, also found in the Junior Packet.

Grade 12
More than 70% of Seniors have submitted applications to university. For those who have applied, ISB has sent requested documents. Please keep in mind that university offices are very busy places managing thousands of applications and application documents. In this high tech world, receiving materials is still not instant. It can take 4-6 weeks for a university to recognize and acknowledge that all application materials have arrived, especially if a student applied very close to the application deadline. Please assume best intent on the part of the ISB counseling office that all materials have been sent correctly. If your Senior has already applied, please ensure all required SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS scores have already been sent directly from the testing.

Upcoming University Visits
Royal Holloway, University of London           January 27

Wishing you all a wonderful and well-deserved holiday!




VEX tournament at TAS
James Welch

Congratulations to the ISB Steel Panther teams for their recent success at the VEX Nothing But Net Challenge in Taipei, Taiwan. The Steel Panthers 1 team with Alessio, Sarida, Easwaar, Judge, and Thee was recognized for the VEX Think Award for the team with the most outstanding use of sensors and programming. They also finished 9th in the Robot Skills Challenge and 5th in the Programming Skills Challenge making it all the way to the quarterfinals of the tournament. The Steel Panthers 2 team with Nico, Anirudha, Thomas, Q, and Stephen scored consistently in each of their round robin matches and received the VEX Judges Award for their unique design and sportsmanship. Both teams had a fantastic time and represented ISB very well.  Ms. Herbert and Mr. Welch are very proud of their accomplishments and thoroughly enjoyed seeing them grow from this experience. Until next year Steel Panthers!

The ISB Steel Panther teams competed in the VEX Nothing but Net challenge in Taipei, Taiwan this past Friday and Saturday. Both teams have been working numerous days after school for months in preparation for this event and were excited to compete. Each team had to program their robot to score points by placing or shooting balls into a net for the first 15 seconds of each competitive round. After that, they were able to drive their robot, by remote-control, to pick up balls and fire them into the net for the next minute and 45 seconds.

The Steel Panthers 1 team, which consisted of Alessio, Sarida, Easwaar, Judge and Thee had a very successful tournament. This team finished 9th in the robot skills challenge and 5th in the programming skills challenge and managed to make it to the quarterfinals of the tournament. At the end of the tournament this team was recognized for the VEX Think award, which went to the team with the most outstanding use of sensors and programming. The Steel Panthers 2 team, which consisted of Nico, Anirudha, Thomas, Q and Stephen was not very lucky in their round robin draw for the tournament, but managed to score consistently in each match. This team was recognized by the tournament with the VEX Judges award, for their unique design and sportsmanship that they displayed throughout the tournament.

Both teams had a fantastic time and represented ISB very well. Ms. Herbert and Mr. Welch are very proud of their accomplishments and thoroughly enjoyed seeing them grow from this experience. Until next year Steel Panthers!





eNewsletter Guidelines
Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. Please see our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families and ISB staff for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information
• An image or photo (optional)

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.


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