VEX Nothing But Net Challenge

by Anthony Giles

Congratulations to the ISB Steel Panther teams for their recent success at the VEX Nothing But Net Challenge in Taipei, Taiwan. The Steel Panthers 1 team with Alessio, Sarida, Easwaar, Judge, and Thee was recognized for the VEX Think Award for the team with the most outstanding use of sensors and programming. They also finished 9th in the Robot Skills Challenge and 5th in the Programming Skills Challenge making it all the way to the quarterfinals of the tournament. The Steel Panthers 2 team with Nico, Anirudha, Thomas, Q, and Stephen scored consistently in each of their round robin matches and received the VEX Judges Award for their unique design and sportsmanship. Both teams had a fantastic time and represented ISB very well.  Ms. Herbert and Mr. Welch are very proud of their accomplishments and thoroughly enjoyed seeing them grow from this experience. Until next year Steel Panthers! (J. Welch)

VEX Short Write Up


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