Top Flight Basketball Free classes at ISB Saturday December 12, 2015

by Top Flight

Dear Parents and Students,

We would like to thank you for an awesome Season I at ISB. We were very excited to see the progress our kids made in the first term. We hope you will join us for season 2 beginning January 9, 2016 and running until February 27, 2016 before the official start to the NBBL season beginning March 5, 2016)

We would like to inform you  that on Saturday December 12, 2015 we will be offering a very special  free sessions to the ISB community.

We are offering these classes as a thank you to the great community at ISB  for the kind support over the years. We would also like to use our showcase as an opportunity to invite new students and their families to have a look at Top Flight Basketball. Season 2 begins on January 9, 2016 and runs until February 27, 2016.

*The term 2 program is a great preparation for the NBBL season that begins on March 5, 2016. Students will have a chance to practice their skills and get a head start on the NBBL Season.

Our classes are perfect for beginners and experienced players alike. We tailor each class to ensure that receive the necessary attention and instruction commiserate with their skill level in a fun and challenging environment.

We hope of our players will take advantage of this special opportunity and invite any friends and family members interested in basketball to join us for another great day of hoops action at Top Flight.

Because participation is free there is no need to register on our website. You can just show up to the ES A/C Gym on December 12, 2015.

* New students to Top Flight who register and pay for Season II on this day (December 12, 2015) will receive a 10% discount on registration fees (4,800-480=4,320). 

Academy Uniforms will also be for sale on this day at a discounted price of 800 baht. *Only on this day regular price for uniforms  is 1,000 baht



In Season II we will be offering 8 sessions on Saturdays from January 9-February 27 (before the NBBL Season).

Please take a look at the dates and times below.

Saturdays: (8 sessions) 4,800 baht

Saturday Schedule:

9:00am-10:30am (Boys & Girls 5-8)

10:30am-12:00pm  (Boys & Girls 9-12)


Season II Dates:

January 9, 16, 23, 30 –  ES AC Gym

February 6, 13, 20 – ES AC Gym

February 27 – New Sports Complex

On behalf of everyone at Top Flight we would like to thank you for your

​ wonderful supporting.​

We hope you will join us on December 12, 2015 for this great opportunity.

Best regards,

The Top Flight Team

Top Flight _Free Session resize

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