Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease……PLEASE READ!

by Andrew DAVIES

Dear Parents,

As many of you will know, we have an outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in our school community. At the moment we are managing to contain the outbreak and at times have been screening over 100 students a day at the Health Clinic. To date, we are aware of a total of 7 confirmed cases.

As we are unable to screen the entire school community, we are requesting your help. If possible, please take your children’s temperature and look in their mouths and on their hands and feet for blisters each morning. If your child has any fever, or blisters/ulcers in their mouth or on their hands or feet please, do not send them to school and take them to the doctor for review. If a case is confirmed, please notify ISB’s Health Clinic.

In the Health Clinic we will continue to screen students who we know may have been exposed to the virus.

Please find attached information sheet regarding Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.

We really appreciate your help in controlling this outbreak.


Dr. Andrew Davies

Hand foot mouth


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