MS Counselor Corner – Wellness In December

We have been working on personal safety lessons during the month of November and we will finish off this unit of work in the next few weeks. In the lessons we have been reviewing personal safety with an emphasis on the potential risks that can affect us – physical, emotional, mental and sexual.  Students have been encouraged to understand these risks and their right to be safe. One area of discussion that was challenging for students was to identify the difference between physical discipline and physical harm. We have been using scenarios to encourage the students to identify the factors that may make a situation unsafe. Situations are discussed and students are encouraged to:

  • Trust – your feelings, your thoughts and your experience
  • Talk – to a trusted adult or friend (if possible)
  • Take Control – act to keep yourself safe.

We are hoping that students will gain the confidence to identify when they are unsafe and be able to put in a plan to keep themselves safe.

In second semester we will begin our units of study on human growth and development and relationship and sexual health education. Before we begin this topic we will invite parents to a meeting so that you can see what it is we will be covering. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and share your concerns. Please keep an eye out for this invitation in the New Year.

We wish you all the best for a safe and happy holiday. We look forward to working with you in the new semester.

Warm Regards,

Carmel (Gr 6 counselor), Janel (Gr 7 counselor) and Jackie (Gr 8 counselor)

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