Congratulations to ES NaNoWriMo Writers!

By the time the last day of November rolled around, our elementary authors had written a combined total of more than 600,000 words during National Novel Writing Month. That’s an average of more than 20,000 words per day! Grade Three eagerly took up the challenge, writing a combined total of 162,247 words, with 40 students successfully meeting or exceeding their word count goals. In Grade Five, 28 students met their challenging word count goals and contributed 198,895 words to our ES total. Grade Four managed to write an impressive 240,706 words, with 43 students meeting or exceeding their goals.  

For those who choose to do so, the next step is to start on the publishing process. More information will come home about that soon. There is also a Parent Workshop on Thursday 10th December at 9am for parents who would like to learn more about the publishing process. Congratulations to everyone who participated in the NaNoWriMo challenge this year!  

About Tina

ES secretary
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