Passion Day

By Graeme SCOTT

Dear Parents,

Tuesday is Passion Day!  Our ES students in grades PreK-3 will be having a very exciting and varied day of learning on campus.  Their theme will be, ‘How Do We Explore Materials?’  There are 29 different learning experiences planned,  all designed by teachers and administrators with passion and curiosity in mind.  The day will run with the normal start time and an early dismissal.

Students in grades 4-12 have been allocated to an activity they are passionate or curious about.  We have a total of 39 activities off campus and 35 here at school.  Group leaders for Tuesday have already been in contact with students and all should know their meeting point, start time and what they need to bring with them.  In general, students have been good at responding to emails from group leaders and confirming their participation.  However, please check that they have everything they need (including snacks, packed lunch or money for lunch if this is what their group leader has requested) before they head out on Tuesday morning.  Some students who are participating in off campus activities may have an early start and/or later return times.  For most however, it is an early dismissal.

We are all looking forward to this unique day and hope that your children experience some powerful new learning they can share with you when they return.

Kind regards,

Graeme Scott

Deputy Head of School for Learning
International School Bangkok
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